Source code for envi.pagelookup
A home for the page lookup construct. Basically it is a
python object which implements a similar lookup mechanism
to the i386 page table lookups...
# FIXME move functions in here too so there is procedural "speed" way
# and objecty pythonic way...
[docs]class PageLookup:
An object capable of rapid lookups across a sparse address
space which will also NOT eat *all* the RAMS like a straight
dictionary full of millions of entries would.
def __init__(self):
self._page_dict = {}
[docs] def getPageLookup(self, va):
base = va >> 16
offs = va & 0xffff
page = self._page_dict.get(base)
if page == None:
return None
return page[offs]
[docs] def setPageLookup(self, va, size, obj):
vamax = va+size
while va < vamax:
base = va >> 16
offs = va & 0xffff
page = self._page_dict.get(base)
if page == None:
page = [None] * 0xffff
self._page_dict[base] = page
page[offs] = obj
va += 1
# __getitem__
# __getslice__
# __setslice__
[docs]class MapLookup:
A specialized lookup object for large densely populated ranges
which are layed out in a sparse field space themselves...
def __init__(self):
self._maps_list = []
[docs] def initMapLookup(self, va, size, obj=None):
marray = [obj] * size
# FIXME optimize by size!
self._maps_list.append((va, va+size, marray))
[docs] def setMapLookup(self, va, size, obj):
for mva, mvamax, marray in self._maps_list:
if va >= mva and va < mvamax:
off = va - mva
s = [obj] * size
marray[off:off+size] = s
raise Exception('Address (0x%.8x) not in maps!' % va)
[docs] def getMapLookup(self, va):
for mva, mvamax, marray in self._maps_list:
if va >= mva and va < mvamax:
off = va - mva
return marray[off]
return None
def __getslice__(self, start, end):
print 'GET SLICE'