The Envi framework allows architecutre abstraction through
the use of the ArchitectureModule, Opcode, Operand, and
Emulator objects.
import types
import struct
import platform
# Instruciton flags (The first 8 bits are reserved for arch independant use)
IF_NOFALL = 0x01 # Set if this instruction does *not* fall through
IF_PRIV = 0x02 # Set if this is a "privileged mode" instruction
IF_CALL = 0x04 # Set if this instruction branches to a procedure
IF_BRANCH = 0x08 # Set if this instruction branches
IF_RET = 0x10 # Set if this instruction terminates a procedure
# Branch flags (flags returned by the getBranches() method on an opcode)
BR_PROC = 1<<0 # The branch target is a procedure (call <foo>)
BR_COND = 1<<1 # The branch target is conditional (jz <foo>)
BR_DEREF = 1<<2 # the branch target is *dereferenced* into PC (call [0x41414141])
BR_TABLE = 1<<3 # The branch target is the base of a pointer array of jmp/call slots
BR_FALL = 1<<4 # The branch is a "fall through" to the next instruction
import envi.bits as e_bits
import envi.memory as e_mem
import envi.registers as e_reg
import envi.memcanvas as e_canvas
class ArchitectureModule:
[docs] """
An architecture module implementes methods to deal
with the creation of envi objects for the specified
def __init__(self, archname, maxinst=32):
self._arch_name = archname
self._arch_maxinst = maxinst
def archGetBreakInstr(self):
[docs] """
Return a python string of the byte sequence which corresponds to
a breakpoint (if present) for this architecture.
raise ArchNotImplemented("archGetBreakInstr")
def archGetRegCtx(self):
[docs] """
Return an initialized register context object for the architecture.
raise ArchNotImplemented("archGetRegCtx")
def makeOpcode(self, bytes, offset=0, va=0):
[docs] """
Create a new opcode from the specified bytes (beginning
at the specified offset)
raise ArchNotImplemented("makeOpcode")
def getEmulator(self):
[docs] """
Return a default instance of an emulator for the given arch.
raise ArchNotImplemented("getEmulator")
def getPointerSize(self):
[docs] """
Get the size of a pointer in memory on this architecture.
raise ArchNotImplemented("getPointerSize")
def pointerString(self, va):
[docs] """
Return a string representation for a pointer on this arch
raise ArchNotImplemented("pointerString")
def stealArchMethods(obj, archname):
[docs] '''
Used by objects which are expected to inherit from an
architecture module but don't know which one until runtime!
arch = getArchModule(archname)
for name in dir(arch):
o = getattr(arch, name, None)
if type(o) == types.MethodType:
setattr(obj, name, o)
class EnviException(Exception):
[docs] def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
class InvalidInstruction(EnviException):
[docs] """
Raised by opcode parsers when the specified
bytes do not represent a valid opcode
def __init__(self, bytes=None):
msg = None
if bytes != None:
msg = bytes.encode('hex')
EnviException.__init__(self, msg)
class SegmentationViolation(EnviException):
[docs] """
Raised by an Emulator extension when you
bad-touch memory. (Likely from memobj).
def __init__(self, va, msg=None):
if msg == None:
msg = "Bad Memory Access: %s" % hex(va)
EnviException.__init__(self, msg)
self.va = va
class ArchNotImplemented(EnviException):
[docs] """
Raised by various Envi components when the architecture
does not implement that envi component.
class EmuException(EnviException):
[docs] """
A parent for all emulation exceptions so catching
them can be easy.
def __init__(self, emu, msg=None):
EnviException.__init__(self, msg)
self.va = emu.getProgramCounter()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s at %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, hex(self.va))
class UnsupportedInstruction(EmuException):
[docs] """
Raised by emulators when the given instruction
is not implemented by the emulator.
def __init__(self, emu, op):
EmuException.__init__(self, emu)
self.op = op
def __repr__(self):
return "Unsupported Instruction: 0x%.8x %s" % (self.va, repr(self.op))
class DivideByZero(EmuException):
[docs] """
Raised by an Emulator when a divide/mod has
a 0 divisor...
class BreakpointHit(EmuException):
[docs] """
Raised by an emulator when you execute a breakpoint instruction
class PDEUndefinedFlag(EmuException):
[docs] """
This exception is raised when a conditional operation is dependant on
a flag state that is unknown.
class PDEException(EmuException):
[docs] """
This exception is used in partially defined emulation to signal where
execution flow becomes un-known due to undefined values. This is considered
class UnknownCallingConvention(EmuException):
[docs] """
Raised when the getCallArgs() or setReturnValue() methods
are given an unknown calling convention type.
class MapOverlapException(EnviException):
[docs] """
Raised when adding a memory map to a MemoryObject which overlaps
with another already existing map.
def __init__(self, map1, map2):
self.map1 = map1
self.map2 = map2
margs = (map1[0], map1[1], map2[0], map2[1])
EnviException.__init__(self, "Map At 0x%.8x (%d) overlaps map at 0x%.8x (%d)" % margs)
class Operand:
Thses are the expected methods needed by any implemented operand object
attached to an envi Opcode. This does *not* have a constructor of it's
pwn on purpose to cut down on memory use and constructor CPU cost.
def getOperValue(self, op, emu=None):
[docs] """
Get the current value for the operand. If needed, use
the given emulator/workspace/trace to resolve things like
memory and registers.
NOTE: This API may be passed a None emu and should return what it can
(or None if it can't be resolved)
print "%s needs to implement getOperValue!" % self.__class__.__name__
return None
def setOperValue(self, op, emu, val):
[docs] """
Set the current value for the operand. If needed, use
the given emulator/workspace/trace to assign things like
memory and registers.
print("%s needs to implement setOperValue! (0x%.8x: %s) " % (self.__class__.__name__, op.va, repr(op)))
def isDeref(self):
[docs] """
If the given operand will dereference memory, this method must return True.
return False
def isImmed(self):
[docs] '''
If the given operand represents an immediate value, this must return True.
return False
def isReg(self):
[docs] '''
If the given operand represents a register value, this must return True.
return False
def getOperAddr(self, op, emu):
[docs] """
If the operand is a "dereference" operand, this method should use the
specified op/emu to resolve the address of the dereference.
NOTE: This API may be passed a None emu and should return what it can
(or None if it can't be resolved)
print("%s needs to implement getOperAddr!" % self.__class__.__name__)
return None
def repr(self, op):
[docs] """
Used by the Opcode class to get a humon readable string for this operand.
return "unknown"
def render(self, mcanv, op, idx):
[docs] """
Used by the opcode class when rendering to a memory canvas.
def __ne__(self, op):
return not op == self
def __eq__(self, oper):
if not isinstance(oper, self.__class__):
return False
#FIXME each one will need this...
return True
class DerefOper(Operand):
def isDeref(self):
[docs] return True
class ImmedOper(Operand):
def isImmed(self):
[docs] return True
class RegisterOper(Operand):
[docs] """
A universal representation for an opcode
prefix_names = [] # flag->humon tuples
def __init__(self, va, opcode, mnem, prefixes, size, operands, iflags=0):
constructor for the basic Envi Opcode object. Arguments as follows:
opcode - An architecture specific numerical value for the opcode
mnem - A humon readable mnemonic for the opcode
prefixes - a bitmask of architecture specific instruction prefixes
size - The size of the opcode in bytes
operands - A list of Operand objects for this opcode
iflags - A list of Envi (architecture independant) instruction flags (see IF_FOO)
va - The virtual address the instruction lives at (used for PC relative immediates etc...)
NOTE: If you want to create an architecture spcific opcode, I'd *highly* recommend you
just copy/paste in the following simple initial code rather than calling the parent
constructor. The extra
self.opcode = opcode
self.mnem = mnem
self.prefixes = prefixes
self.size = size
self.opers = operands
self.repr = None
self.iflags = iflags
self.va = va
def __ne__(self, op):
return not op == self
def __eq__(self, op):
if not isinstance(op, Opcode):
return False
if self.opcode != op.opcode:
return False
if self.mnem != op.mnem:
return False
if self.size != op.size:
return False
if self.iflags != op.iflags:
return False
if len(self.opers) != len(op.opers):
return False
for i in range(len(self.opers)):
if self.opers[i] != op.opers[i]:
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return int(hash(self.mnem) ^ (self.size << 4))
def __repr__(self):
Over-ride this if you want to make arch specific repr.
return self.mnem + " " + ",".join([o.repr(self) for o in self.opers])
def __len__(self):
return int(self.size)
# NOTE: From here down is mostly things that architecture specific opcode
# extensions should override.
def getBranches(self, emu=None):
[docs] """
Return a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the target VA of the
branch, and a possible set of flags showing what type of branch it is.
See the BR_FOO types for all the supported envi branch flags....
Example: for bva,bflags in op.getBranches():
return ()
def render(self, mcanv):
[docs] """
Render this opcode to the memory canvas passed in. This is used for both
simple printing AND more complex representations.
def getPrefixName(self):
[docs] """
Get the name of the prefixes associated with the specified
architecture specific prefix bitmask.
ret = []
for byte,name in self.prefix_names:
if self.prefixes & byte:
return "".join(ret)
def getOperValue(self, idx, emu=None):
[docs] oper = self.opers[idx]
return oper.getOperValue(self, emu=emu)
def getOperands(self):
[docs] return list(self.opers)
class Emulator(e_reg.RegisterContext, e_mem.MemoryObject):
[docs] """
The Emulator class is mostly "Abstract" in the java
Interface sense. The emulator should be able to
be extended for the architecutures which are included
in the envi framework. You *must* mix in
an instance of your architecture abstraction module.
(NOTE: Most users will just use an arch mod and call getEmulator())
The intention is for "light weight" emulation to be
implemented mostly for user-space emulation of
protected mode execution.
def __init__(self, archmod=None):
e_mem.MemoryObject.__init__(self, archmod=archmod)
self._emu_segments = [ (0, 0xffffffff), ]
self._emu_call_convs = {}
# Automagically setup an instruction mnemonic handler dict
# by finding all methods starting with i_ and assume they
# implement an instruction by mnemonic
self.op_methods = {}
for name in dir(self):
if name.startswith("i_"):
self.op_methods[name[2:]] = getattr(self, name)
def getArchModule(self):
[docs] raise Exception('Emulators *must* implement getArchModule()!')
def getEmuSnap(self):
[docs] """
Return the data needed to "snapshot" this emulator. For most
archs, this method will be enough (it takes the memory object,
and register values with it)
regs = self.getRegisterSnap()
mem = self.getMemorySnap()
return regs,mem
def setEmuSnap(self, snap):
[docs] regs,mem = snap
def executeOpcode(self, opobj):
[docs] """
This is the core method for the
raise ArchNotImplemented()
def run(self, stepcount=None):
[docs] """
Run the emulator until "something" happens.
(breakpoint, segv, syscall, etc...)
if stepcount != None:
for i in xrange(stepcount):
while True:
def stepi(self):
[docs] pc = self.getProgramCounter()
op = self.parseOpcode(pc)
def getSegmentInfo(self, op):
[docs] idx = self.getSegmentIndex(op)
return self._emu_segments[idx]
def getSegmentIndex(self, op):
[docs] """
The *default* segmentation is none (most arch's will over-ride).
This method may be implemented to return a segment index based on either
emulator state or properties of the particular instruction in question.
return 0
def setSegmentInfo(self, idx, base, size):
[docs] '''
Set a base and size for a given segment index.
if len(self._emu_segments) - idx == 0:
self._emu_segments.append( (base, size) )
self._emu_segments[idx] = (base,size)
def getOperValue(self, op, idx):
[docs] """
Return the value for the operand at index idx for
the given opcode reading memory and register states if necissary.
In partially-defined emulation, this may return None
oper = op.opers[idx]
return oper.getOperValue(op, self)
def getOperAddr(self, op, idx):
[docs] """
Return the address that an operand which deref's memory
would read from on getOperValue().
oper = op.opers[idx]
return oper.getOperAddr(op, self)
def setOperValue(self, op, idx, value):
[docs] """
Set the value of the target operand at index idx from
opcode op.
(obviously OM_IMMEDIATE *cannot* be set)
oper = op.opers[idx]
return oper.setOperValue(op, self, value)
def getCallArgs(self, count, cc):
[docs] """
Emulator implementors can implement this method to allow
analysis modules a platform/architecture independant way
to get stack/reg/whatever args.
Usage: getCallArgs(3, "stdcall") -> (0, 32, 0xf00)
c = self._emu_call_convs.get(cc, None)
if c == None:
raise UnknownCallingConvention(cc)
return c.getCallArgs(self, count)
def setReturnValue(self, value, cc, argc=0):
[docs] """
Emulator implementors can implement this method to allow
analysis modules a platform/architecture independant way
to set a function return value. (this should also take
care of any argument cleanup or other return time tasks
for the calling convention)
c = self._emu_call_convs.get(cc, None)
if c == None:
raise UnknownCallingConvention(cc)
return c.setReturnValue(self, value, argc)
def addCallingConvention(self, name, obj):
[docs] self._emu_call_convs[name] = obj
def hasCallingConvention(self, name):
[docs] if self._emu_call_convs.get(name) != None:
return True
return False
def getCallingConvention(self, name):
[docs] return self._emu_call_conv.get(name)
def getCallingConventions(self):
[docs] return self._emu_call_convs.items()
class CallingConvention:
[docs] """
Implement calling conventions for your arch.
def setReturnValue(self, emu, value, ccinfo=None):
[docs] pass
def getCallArgs(self, emu, count):
[docs] pass
# If you want your arch to use symbolik emulation...
def getSymbolikArgs(self, emu, argv):
[docs] raise Exception('getSymbolikArgs() not in %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
def setSymbolikReturn(self, emu, sym, argv):
[docs] raise Exception('setSymbolikReturn() not in %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
# NOTE: This mapping is needed because of inconsistancies
# in how different compilers and versions of python embed
# the machine setting.
arch_xlate_32 = {
'i86pc':'i386', # Solaris
'':'i386', # Stupid windows...
'AMD64':'i386', # ActiveState python can say AMD64 in 32 bit install?
arch_xlate_64 = {
'i386':'amd64', # MAC ports builds are 64bit and say i386
'':'amd64', # And again....
def getCurrentArch():
[docs] """
Return an envi normalized name for the current arch.
width = struct.calcsize("P")
mach = platform.machine() # 'i386','ppc', etc...
if width == 4:
ret = arch_xlate_32.get(mach)
elif width == 8:
ret = arch_xlate_64.get(mach)
if ret == None:
raise ArchNotImplemented(mach)
return ret
def getArchModule(name=None):
[docs] """
return an Envi architecture module instance for the following
architecture name.
Current architectures include:
i386 - Intel i386
amd64 - The new 64bit AMD spec.
if name == None:
name = getCurrentArch()
# Some builds have x86 (py2.6) and some have other stuff...
if name in ["i386","i486","i586","i686","x86"]:
import envi.archs.i386 as e_i386
return e_i386.i386Module()
elif name == "amd64":
import envi.archs.amd64 as e_amd64
return e_amd64.Amd64Module()
elif name == 'arm':
import envi.archs.arm as e_arm
return e_arm.ArmModule()
raise ArchNotImplemented(name)