Source code for envi.codeflow
A module to contain code flow analysis for envi opcode objects...
import copy
import envi
import envi.memory as e_mem
[docs]class CodeFlowContext(object):
A CodeFlowContext is used for code-flow (not linear) based disassembly
for an envi MemoryObject (which is responsible for knowing the implementation
of parseOpcode(). The CodeFlowContext will optionally notify several callback
handlers for different events which occur during disassembly:
self._cb_opcode(va, op, branches) - called for every newly parsed opcode
NOTE: _cb_opcode must return the desired branches for continued flow
self._cb_function(fva, metadict) - called once for every function
self._cb_branchtable(tabva, destva) - called for switch tables
def __init__(self, mem):
self._funcs = {}
self._entries = {}
self._mem = mem
self._opdone = {}
def _cb_opcode(self, va, op, branches):
Extend CodeFlowContext and implement this method to recieve
a callback for every newly discovered opcode.
return branches
def _cb_function(self, fva, fmeta):
Extend CodeFlowContext and implement this method to recieve
a callback for every newly discovered function. Additionally,
metadata about the function may be stored in the fmeta dict.
def _cb_branchtable(self, tabva, destva):
[docs] def getCallsFrom(self, fva):
return self._funcs.get(fva)
[docs] def addFunctionDef(self, fva, calls_from):
Add a priori knowledge of a function to the code flow
if self._funcs.get(fva) != None:
self._funcs[fva] = calls_from
[docs] def addCodeFlow(self, va, persist=False, exptable=True):
Do code flow disassembly from the specified address. Returnes a list
of the procedural branch targets discovered during code flow...
Set persist=True to store 'opdone' and never disassemble the same thing twice
Set exptable=True to expand branch tables in this phase
opdone = self._opdone
if not persist:
opdone = {}
calls_from = {}
optodo = [va, ]
while len(optodo):
va = optodo.pop()
if opdone.get(va):
opdone[va] = True
op = self._mem.parseOpcode(va)
except Exception, e:
print 'parseOpcodeError at 0x%.8x: %s' % (va,e)
# FIXME code block breakage...
branches = op.getBranches()
# The opcode callback may filter branches...
branches = self._cb_opcode(va, op, branches)
while len(branches):
bva, bflags = branches.pop()
# Don't worry about unresolved branches now...
if bva == None:
# Handle a table branch by adding more branches...
if bflags & envi.BR_TABLE:
if exptable:
ptrbase = bva
bdest = self._mem.readMemoryFormat(ptrbase, '<P')[0]
tabdone = {}
while self._mem.isValidPointer(bdest):
self._cb_branchtable(ptrbase, bdest)
if not tabdone.get(bdest):
tabdone[bdest] = True
branches.append((bdest, envi.BR_COND))
ptrbase += self._mem.psize
bdest = self._mem.readMemoryFormat(ptrbase, '<P')[0]
# FIXME handle conditionals here for block boundary detection!
if bflags & envi.BR_DEREF:
if not self._mem.probeMemory(bva, 1, e_mem.MM_READ):
bva = self._mem.readMemoryFormat(bva, '<P')[0]
if not self._mem.probeMemory(bva, 1, e_mem.MM_EXEC):
if bflags & envi.BR_PROC:
# Record that the current code flow has a call from it
# to the branch target...
# FIXME intel hack, call 0, pop reg for geteip...
if bva != va + len(op):
calls_from[bva] = True
# We only go up to procedural branches, not across
if not opdone.get(bva):
return calls_from.keys()
def _handleFunc(self, va, pth):
path = []
# Check if this is already a known function.
if self._funcs.get(va) != None:
self._funcs[va] = True
# Check if we have disassembled a loop
if va in pth:
calls_from = self.addCodeFlow(va)
for callto in calls_from:
self._handleFunc(callto, pth=pth)
# Finally, notify the callback of a new function
self._cb_function(va, {'CallsFrom':calls_from})
[docs] def addEntryPoint(self, va):
Analyze the given procedure entry point and flow downward
to find all subsequent code blocks and procedure edges.
self._entries[va] = True
return self._handleFunc(va, [])