Unified CLI code for things like vivisect and vdb.
import code
import traceback
import threading
import envi.bits as e_bits
import envi.memory as e_mem
import envi.config as e_config
import envi.resolver as e_resolv
import envi.memcanvas as e_canvas
import envi.expression as e_expr
from cmd import Cmd
from getopt import getopt
import re
[docs]def splitargs(cmdline):
cmdline = cmdline.replace('\\\\"', '"').replace('\\"', '')
patt = re.compile('\".+?\"|\S+')
for item in cmdline.split('\n'):
return [s.strip('"') for s in patt.findall(item)]
[docs]def columnstr(slist):
msize = 0
for s in slist:
if len(s) > msize:
msize = len(s)
return [x.ljust(msize) for x in slist]
[docs]class CliExtMeth:
This is used to work around the difference
between functions and bound methods for extended
command modules
def __init__(self, cli, func):
self.cli = cli
self.func = func
self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
def __call__(self, line):
return self.func(self.cli, line)
cfgdefs = """
[docs]class EnviCli(Cmd):
def __init__(self, memobj, config=None, symobj=None):
self.extcmds = {}
Cmd.__init__(self, stdout=self)
self.shutdown = threading.Event()
# If they didn't give us a resolver, make one.
if symobj == None:
symobj = e_resolv.SymbolResolver()
if config == None:
config = e_config.EnviConfig(defaults=cfgdefs)
self.config = config
self.memobj = memobj
self.symobj = symobj
self.canvas = e_canvas.MemoryCanvas(memobj, syms=symobj)
[docs] def setCanvas(self, canvas):
Set a new canvas for the CLI and add all the current renderers
to the new one.
for name in self.canvas.getRendererNames():
canvas.addRenderer(name, self.canvas.getRenderer(name))
self.canvas = canvas
[docs] def write(self, data):
# For stdout/stderr
[docs] def get_names(self):
ret = []
return ret
[docs] def getExpressionLocals(self):
Over-ride this to have things like the eval command
and the python command use more locals than the sybolic
return e_expr.MemoryExpressionLocals(self.memobj, symobj=self.symobj)
[docs] def registerCmdExtension(self, func):
self.extcmds["do_%s" % func.__name__] = CliExtMeth(self, func)
[docs] def vprint(self, msg, addnl=True):
Print output to the CLI's output handler. This allows routines to
print to the terminal or the GUI depending on which mode we're in.
vprint('hi mom!')
if addnl:
msg = msg+"\n"
def __getattr__(self, name):
func = self.extcmds.get(name, None)
if func == None:
raise AttributeError(name)
return func
[docs] def doAlias(self, line):
for opt in self.config.options("Aliases"):
if line.startswith(opt):
line = line.replace(opt, self.config.get("Aliases", opt), 1)
return line
[docs] def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
if intro != None:
while not self.shutdown.isSet():
Cmd.cmdloop(self, intro=intro)
[docs] def onecmd(self, line):
lines = line.split("&&")
for line in lines:
line = self.doAlias(line)
Cmd.onecmd(self, line)
except SystemExit:
except Exception, msg:
self.vprint("\nERROR: (%s) %s" % (msg.__class__.__name__,msg))
if self.shutdown.isSet():
return True
[docs] def do_EOF(self, line):
self.vprint("Use quit")
[docs] def do_quit(self, line):
Usage: quit
[docs] def do_config(self, line):
Show or edit a config option from the command line
Usage: config [-S section] [option=value]
argv = splitargs(line)
secname = None
opts,args = getopt(argv, "S:")
for opt,optarg in opts:
if opt == "-S":
secname = optarg
except Exception, e:
print e
return self.do_help("config")
if len(args) > 1:
return self.do_help("config")
if len(args) == 0:
if secname != None:
secs = [secname,]
secs = self.config.sections()
for secname in secs:
self.vprint("[%s]" % secname)
for oname in self.config.options(secname):
val = self.config.get(secname, oname)
self.vprint("%s=%s" % (oname, val))
if secname == None:
secname = ""
key,val = args[0].split("=",1)
self.config.set(secname, key, val)
self.vprint("[%s] %s = %s" % (secname,key,val))
[docs] def do_alias(self, line):
Add an alias to the command line interpreter's aliases dictionary
Usage: alias <alias_word> rest of the alias command
To delete an alias:
Usage: alias <alias_word>
if len(line):
row = line.split(None, 1)
if len(row) == 1:
self.vprint("Current Aliases:\n")
opts = self.config.options("Aliases")
for opt in opts:
val = self.config.get("Aliases", opt)
self.vprint("%s -> %s" % (opt,val))
[docs] def do_python(self, line):
Start an interactive python interpreter. The namespace of the
interpreter is updated with expression nicities. You may also
specify a line of python code as an argument to be exec'd without
beginning an interactive python interpreter on the controlling
Usage: python [pycode]
locals = self.getExpressionLocals()
if len(line) != 0:
cobj = compile(line, 'cli_input', 'exec')
exec(cobj, locals)
[docs] def parseExpression(self, expr):
l = self.getExpressionLocals()
return long(e_expr.evaluate(expr, l))
[docs] def do_binstr(self, line):
Display a binary representation of the given value expression
(padded to optional width in bits)
Usage: binstr <val_expr> [<bitwidth_expr>]
argv = splitargs(line)
if len(argv) == 0:
return self.do_help('binstr')
bitwidth = None
value = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
if len(argv) > 1:
bitwidth = self.parseExpression(argv[1])
binstr = e_bits.binrepr(value, bitwidth=bitwidth)
self.canvas.addText("0x%.8x (%d) %s\n" % (value, value, binstr))
[docs] def do_eval(self, line):
Evaluate an expression on the CLI to show it's value.
Usage: eval (ecx+edx)/2
if not line:
return self.do_help("eval")
value = self.parseExpression(line)
self.canvas.addText("%s = " % line)
if self.memobj.isValidPointer(value):
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % value, value)
sym = self.symobj.getSymByAddr(value, exact=False)
if sym != None:
self.canvas.addText(" ")
self.canvas.addVaText("%s + %d" % (repr(sym),value-long(sym)), value)
self.canvas.addText("0x%.8x (%d)" % (value, value))
[docs] def do_script(self, line):
Execute a python file.
The script file is arbitrary python code which is run with the
full compliment of expression extensions mapped in as locals.
NOTE: additional command line arguments may be passed in and will
appear as the list "argv" in the script namespace! (They will
all be strings)
Usage: script <scriptfile> [<argv[0]>, ...]
if len(line) == 0:
return self.do_help("script")
argv = splitargs(line)
locals = self.getExpressionLocals()
locals['argv'] = argv
script = file(argv[0]).read()
cobj = compile(script, argv[0], "exec")
exec(cobj, locals)
[docs] def do_maps(self, line):
Display either a list of all the memory maps or the memory map
details for the given address expression.
Usage: maps [addr_expression]
argv = splitargs(line)
if len(argv):
expr = " ".join(argv)
va = self.parseExpression(expr)
map = self.memobj.getMemoryMap(va)
if map == None:
self.vprint("Memory Map Not Found For: 0x%.8x"%va)
addr,size,perm,fname = map
pname = e_mem.reprPerms(perm)
self.canvas.addText("Memory Map For: ")
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % va, va)
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % addr, addr)
self.canvas.addText("\t%d\t%s\t%s\n" % (size,pname,fname))
totsize = 0
self.vprint("[ address ] [ size ] [ perms ] [ File ]")
for addr,size,perm,fname in self.memobj.getMemoryMaps():
pname = e_mem.reprPerms(perm)
totsize += size
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % addr, addr)
sizestr = ("%dK" % (size/1024,)).rjust(8)
self.canvas.addText("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (sizestr,pname,fname))
self.vprint("Total Virtual Memory: %.2f MB" % ((float(totsize)/1024)/1024))
[docs] def do_search(self, line):
Search memory for patterns.
Usage: search [options] <pattern>
-e Encode the pattern with a codec (ie utf-16le, hex, etc)
-E The specified pattern is an expression (search for numeric values)
-r The specified pattern is a regular expression
-R <baseexpr:sizeexpr> Search a specific range only.
-X The specified pattern is in hex (ie. 414141424242 is AAABBB)
if len(line) == 0:
return self.do_help("search")
range = None
dohex = False
doexpr = False
regex = False
encode = None
argv = splitargs(line)
opts,args = getopt(argv, "e:ER:rX")
return self.do_help("search")
for opt,optarg in opts:
if opt == '-E':
doexpr = True
elif opt == '-e':
encode = optarg
elif opt == '-R':
range = optarg
elif opt == '-r':
regex = True
elif opt == '-X':
dohex = True
pattern = " ".join(args)
if doexpr:
import struct #FIXME see below
sval = self.parseExpression(pattern)
pattern = struct.pack("<L", sval) # FIXME 64bit (and alt arch)
if dohex: pattern = pattern.decode('hex')
if encode: pattern = pattern.encode(encode)
if range:
addrexpr, sizeexpr = range.split(":")
except Exception, e:
return self.do_help("search")
addr = self.parseExpression(addrexpr)
size = self.parseExpression(sizeexpr)
self.canvas.addText("Searching from ")
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x", addr)
self.canvas.addText(" for %d bytes\n" % size)
res = self.memobj.searchMemoryRange(pattern, addr, size, regex=regex)
self.vprint("Searching all memory...")
res = self.memobj.searchMemory(pattern, regex=regex)
if len(res) == 0:
self.vprint('Pattern Not Found: %s' % pattern.encode('hex'))
self.vprint('Matches for: %s' % pattern.encode('hex'))
for r in res:
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % r, r)
self.canvas.addText(": ")
mbase,msize,mperm,mfile = self.memobj.getMemoryMap(r)
pname = e_mem.reprPerms(mperm)
self.canvas.addText("%s " % pname)
sname = self.reprPointer(r)
[docs] def reprPointer(self, va):
Do your best to create a humon readable name for the
value of this pointer.
if va == 0:
return "NULL"
mbase,msize,mperm,mfile = self.memobj.getMemoryMap(va)
ret = mfile
sym = self.symobj.getSymByAddr(va, exact=False)
if sym != None:
ret = "%s + %d" % (repr(sym),va-long(sym))
return ret
[docs] def do_memdump(self, line):
Dump memory out to a file.
Usage: memdump <addr_expression> <size_expression> <filename>
if len(line) == 0:
return self.do_help("memdump")
argv = splitargs(line)
if len(argv) != 3:
return self.do_help("memdump")
addr = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
size = self.parseExpression(argv[1])
mem = self.memobj.readMemory(addr, size)
file(argv[2], "wb").write(mem)
self.vprint("Wrote %d bytes!" % len(mem))
[docs] def do_memcmp(self, line):
Compare memory at the given locations. Outputs a set of
differences showing bytes at their given offsets....
Usage: memcmp <addr_expr1> <addr_expr2> <size_expr>
if len(line) == 0:
return self.do_help('memcmp')
argv = splitargs(line)
if len(argv) != 3:
return self.do_help('memcmp')
addr1 = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
addr2 = self.parseExpression(argv[1])
size = self.parseExpression(argv[2])
bytes1 = self.memobj.readMemory(addr1, size)
bytes2 = self.memobj.readMemory(addr2, size)
res = e_mem.memdiff(bytes1, bytes2)
if len(res) == 0:
self.vprint('No Differences!')
for offset, offsize in res:
diff1 = addr1+offset
diff2 = addr2+offset
self.canvas.addText('==== %d byte difference at offset %d\n' % (offsize,offset))
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % diff1, diff1)
self.canvas.addVaText("0x%.8x" % diff2, diff2)
[docs] def do_mem(self, line):
Show some memory (with optional formatting and size)
Usage: mem [-F <format>] <addr expression> [size]
NOTE: use -F ? for a list of the formats
fmtname = "bytes"
if len(line) == 0:
return self.do_help("mem")
argv = splitargs(line)
opts,args = getopt(argv, "F:")
return self.do_help("mem")
for opt,optarg in opts:
if opt == "-F":
fmtname = optarg
fnames = self.canvas.getRendererNames()
if fmtname == "?":
self.vprint("Registered renderers:")
for name in fnames:
if fmtname not in fnames:
self.vprint("Unknown renderer: %s" % fmtname)
if len(args) == 0:
return self.do_help("mem")
size = 256
addr = self.parseExpression(args[0])
if len(args) == 2:
size = self.parseExpression(args[1])
self.canvas.renderMemory(addr, size)
[docs]class EnviMutableCli(EnviCli):
Cli extensions which require a mutable memory object
(emulator/trace) rather than a static one (viv workspace)
[docs] def do_memcpy(self, line):
Copy memory from one location to another...
Usage: memcpy <dest_expr> <src_expr> <size_expr>
argv = splitargs(line)
if len(argv) != 3:
return self.do_help('memcpy')
dst = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
src = self.parseExpression(argv[1])
siz = self.parseExpression(argv[2])
mem = self.memobj.readMemory(src, siz)
self.memobj.writeMemory(dst, mem)
[docs] def do_memprotect(self, line):
Change the memory permissions of a given page/map.
Usage: memprotect [options] <addr_expr> <perms>
-S <size> Specify the size of the region to change (default == whole memory map)
<perms> = "rwx" string "rw", "rx" "rwx" etc...
if len(line) == 0:
return self.do_help("memprotect")
size = None
argv = splitargs(line)
opts, args = getopt(argv, "S:")
except Exception, e:
return self.do_help("memprotect")
for opt,optarg in opts:
if opt == "-S":
size = self.parseExpression(optarg)
if len(args) != 2:
return self.do_help("memprotect")
addr = self.parseExpression(args[0])
perm = e_mem.parsePerms(args[1])
if size == None:
map = self.memobj.getMemoryMap(addr)
if map == None:
raise Exception("Unknown memory map for 0x%.8x" % addr)
size = map[1]
self.memobj.protectMemory(addr, size, perm)
[docs] def do_writemem(self, args):
Over-write some memory in the target address space.
Usage: writemem [options] <addr expression> <string>
-X The specified string is in hex (ie 414141 = AAA)
-U The specified string needs to be unicode in mem (AAA -> 410041004100)
dohex = False
douni = False
argv = splitargs(args)
opts,args = getopt(argv, "XU")
return self.do_help("writemem")
if len(args) != 2:
return self.do_help("writemem")
for opt,optarg in opts:
if opt == "-X":
dohex = True
elif opt == "-U":
douni = True
exprstr, memstr = args
if dohex: memstr = memstr.decode('hex')
if douni: memstr = ("\x00".join(memstr)) + "\x00"
addr = self.parseExpression(exprstr)
self.memobj.writeMemory(addr, memstr)