A byte and mask based decision engine for creating byte
sequences (and potential comparison masks) for general purpose
signature matching.
Currently used by vivisect function entry sig db and others.
class SignatureTree:
[docs] """
A byte based decision tree which uses all the RAMs but is
really fast....
Signatures consist of a byte sequence and an optional mask
sequence. If present each mask byte is used to logical and
the byte being compared before comparison. This allows the
creation of signatures which have parts of the sig generalized.
FIXME allow sigs to have a reliability rating
FIXME allow sig nodes to store depth and truncate the tree early (and then mask the rest)
def __init__(self):
self.basenode = (0, [], [None] * 256)
self.sigs = {} # track duplicates
def _addChoice(self, siginfo, node):
todo = [(node, siginfo),]
# Recursion is for the weak minded.
while len(todo):
node, siginfo = todo.pop()
depth, sigs, choices = node
bytes, masks, o = siginfo
siglen = len(sigs)
if siglen == 0:
pass # we just don't want the "else" here, if we're the only
# one on this node, just let it ride.
elif siglen == 1:
# If it has one already, we *both* need to add another level
# (because if it is the only one, it thought it was last choice)
for s in sigs:
chval = s[0][depth] # get the choice byte from siginfo
nnode = self._getNode(depth, choices, chval)
todo.append((nnode, s))
else: # This is already a choice node, keep on choosing...
chval = bytes[depth]
nnode = self._getNode(depth, choices, chval)
todo.append((nnode, siginfo))
def _getNode(self, depth, choices, choice):
# Chose, (and or initialize) a sub node
nnode = choices[choice]
if nnode == None:
nnode = (depth+1, [], [None] * 256)
choices[choice] = nnode
return nnode
def addSignature(self, bytes, masks=None, val=None):
[docs] """
Add a signature to the search tree. If masks goes unspecified, it will be
assumed to be all ones (\\xff * len(bytes)).
Additionally, you may specify "val" as the object to get back with
# FIXME perhaps make masks None on all ff's
if masks == None:
masks = "\xff" * len(bytes)
if val == None:
val = True
# Detect and skip duplicate additions...
bytekey = bytes + masks
if self.sigs.get(bytekey) != None:
self.sigs[bytekey] = True
byteord = [ord(c) for c in bytes]
maskord = [ord(c) for c in masks]
siginfo = (byteord, maskord, val)
self._addChoice(siginfo, self.basenode)
def isSignature(self, bytes, offset=0):
[docs] return self.getSignature(bytes, offset=offset) != None
def getSignature(self, bytes, offset=0):
node = self.basenode
while True:
depth, sigs, choices = node
# Once we get down to one sig, there are no more branches,
# just check the byte sequence.
if len(sigs) == 1:
sbytes, smasks, sobj = sigs[0]
for i in xrange(depth, len(sbytes)):
realoff = offset + i
masked = ord(bytes[realoff]) & smasks[i]
if masked != sbytes[i]:
return None
return sobj
# There are still more choices, keep branching.
node = None # Lets go find a new one
for sig in sigs:
sbytes, smasks, sobj = sig
masked = ord(bytes[offset+depth]) & smasks[depth]
if sbytes[depth] == masked: # We have a winner!
# FIXME find the *best* winner! (because of masking)
node = choices[masked]
# We failed to make our next choice
if node == None:
return None