Source code for envi.bintree
import envi.bits as e_bits
[docs]class BinaryTree:
A simple binary search tree capable of using integers
or string representations of binary integers as inputs.
NOTE: the lookup routines assume once a node is found which
has nodeinfo, we have matched. It does *not* need to walk
the rest of the values...
def __init__(self):
self.basenode = [None, None, None]
[docs] def addInt(self, intval, width, nodeinfo):
node = self.basenode
for sh in xrange(width-1, -1, -1):
choice = (intval >> sh) & 1
if node[choice] == None:
node[choice] = [None, None, None]
node = node[choice]
node[2] = nodeinfo
[docs] def addBinstr(self, binstr, nodeinfo):
bval = e_bits.binary(binstr)
return self.addInt(bval, len(binstr), nodeinfo)
#def addString(self, charstr, nodeinfo):
# e_bits the whole string to a huge int?
[docs] def getInt(self, intval, width):
Get an element back out of the tree.
width is in bits...
node = self.basenode
for sh in xrange(width-1, -1, -1):
choice = (intval >> sh) & 1
node = node[choice]
ninfo = node[2]
if ninfo != None:
return ninfo
return node[2]
[docs] def getBinstr(self, binstr):
bval = e_bits.binary(binstr)
return self.getInt(bval, len(bstr))