Source code for vtrace.util
# Copyright (C) 2007 Invisigoth - See LICENSE file for details
import vtrace
import vtrace.notifiers as v_notifiers
import vtrace.rmi as v_rmi
[docs]class TraceManager:
A trace-manager is a utility class to extend from when you may be dealing
with multiple tracer objects. It allows for persistant mode settings and
persistent metadata as well as bundling a DistributedNotifier. You may also
extend from this to get auto-magic remote stuff for your managed traces.
def __init__(self, trace=None):
self.trace = trace
self.dnotif = v_notifiers.DistributedNotifier()
self.modes = {} # See docs for trace modes
self.metadata = {} # Like traces, but persistant
[docs] def manageTrace(self, trace):
Set all the modes/meta/notifiers in this trace for management
by this TraceManager.
self.trace = trace
if vtrace.remote:
trace.registerNotifier(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL, v_rmi.getCallbackProxy(trace, self.dnotif))
trace.registerNotifier(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL, self.dnotif)
for name,val in self.modes.items():
trace.setMode(name, val)
for name,val in self.metadata.items():
trace.setMeta(name, val)
[docs] def unManageTrace(self, trace):
Untie this trace manager from the trace.
if vtrace.remote:
trace.deregisterNotifier(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL, v_rmi.getCallbackProxy(trace, self.dnotif))
trace.deregisterNotifier(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL, self.dnotif)
[docs] def setMode(self, name, value):
if self.trace != None:
self.trace.setMode(name, value)
self.modes[name] = value
[docs] def getMode(self, name, default=False):
if self.trace != None:
return self.trace.getMode(name, default)
return self.modes.get(name, default)
[docs] def registerNotifier(self, event, notif):
self.dnotif.registerNotifier(event, notif)
[docs] def deregisterNotifier(self, event, notif):
self.dnotif.deregisterNotifier(event, notif)
[docs] def fireLocalNotifiers(self, event, trace):
Deliver a local event to the DistributedNotifier managing
the traces. (used to locally bump notifiers)
self.dnotif.notify(event, trace)