Posix Signaling Module
# Copyright (C) 2007 Invisigoth - See LICENSE file for details
import sys
import os
import struct
import signal
import platform
import vtrace
import vtrace.util as v_util
import vtrace.platforms.base as v_base
import Elf
from ctypes import *
import ctypes.util as cutil
import envi.resolver as e_resolv
import envi.memory as e_mem
import envi.cli as e_cli
libc = None
[docs]class PosixMixin:
A mixin for systems which use POSIX signals and
things like wait()
def __init__(self):
Setup for the fact that we support signal driven
debugging on posix platforms
self.stepping = False # Set this on stepi to diff the TRAP
self.execing = False # Set this on exec to diff the TRAP
self.pthreads = [] # Some platforms make a pthread list
[docs] def handleAttach(self):
# We'll emulate windows here and send an additional
# break after our library load events to make things easy
self.runAgain(False) # Clear this, if they want BREAK to run, it will
[docs] def platformProcessEvent(self, status):
if os.WIFEXITED(status):
tid = self.getMeta("ThreadId", -1)
if tid != self.getPid():
# Set the selected thread ID to the pid cause
# the old one's invalid
if tid in self.pthreads:
self.setMeta("ThreadId", self.getPid())
self._fireExitThread(tid, os.WEXITSTATUS(status))
elif os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
self.setMeta("ExitCode", os.WTERMSIG(status))
elif os.WIFSTOPPED(status):
sig = os.WSTOPSIG(status)
print "OMG WTF JUST HAPPENED??!?11/!?1?>!"
[docs] def handlePosixSignal(self, sig):
Handle a basic posix signal for this trace. This was seperated from
platformProcessEvent so extenders could skim events and still use this logic.
if sig == signal.SIGTRAP:
# Traps on posix systems are a little complicated
if self.stepping:
#FIXME try out was single step thing for intel
self.stepping = False
elif self.checkWatchpoints():
elif self.checkBreakpoints():
# It was either a known BP or a sendBreak()
elif self.execing:
self.execing = False
elif sig == signal.SIGSTOP:
#FIXME only on attaching..
[docs]class ElfMixin:
A platform mixin to parse Elf binaries
def __init__(self):
[docs] def platformParseBinary(self, filename, baseaddr, normname):
typemap = {
fd = self.platformOpenFile(filename)
elf = Elf.Elf(fd)
addbase = 0
if not elf.isPreLinked() and elf.isSharedObject():
addbase = baseaddr
for sec in elf.sections:
sym = e_resolv.SectionSymbol(sec.name, sec.sh_addr+addbase, sec.sh_size, normname)
for sym in elf.symbols:
symclass = typemap.get((sym.st_info & 0xf), e_resolv.Symbol)
sym = symclass(sym.name, sym.st_value+addbase, sym.st_size, normname)
for sym in elf.dynamic_symbols:
symclass = typemap.get((sym.st_info & 0xf), e_resolv.Symbol)
sym = symclass(sym.name, sym.st_value+addbase, sym.st_size, normname)
# As much as I would *love* if all the ptrace defines were the same all the time,
# there seem to be small platform differences...
# These are the ones upon which most agree
PT_TRACE_ME = 0 # child declares it's being traced */
PT_READ_I = 1 # read word in child's I space */
PT_READ_D = 2 # read word in child's D space */
PT_READ_U = 3 # read word in child's user structure */
PT_WRITE_I = 4 # write word in child's I space */
PT_WRITE_D = 5 # write word in child's D space */
PT_WRITE_U = 6 # write word in child's user structure */
PT_CONTINUE = 7 # continue the child */
PT_KILL = 8 # kill the child process */
PT_STEP = 9 # single step the child */
[docs]def ptrace(code, pid, addr, data):
The contents of this call are basically cleanly
passed to the libc implementation of ptrace.
global libc
if not libc:
cloc = cutil.find_library("c")
if not cloc:
raise Exception("ERROR: can't find C library on posix system!")
libc = CDLL(cloc)
libc.ptrace.restype = c_size_t
libc.ptrace.argtypes = [c_int, c_uint32, c_size_t, c_size_t]
return libc.ptrace(code, pid, c_size_t(addr), c_size_t(data))
[docs]class PtraceMixin:
A platform mixin for using the ptrace functions
to attach/detach/continue/stepi etc. Many *nix systems
will probably use this...
NOTE: if you get a PT_FOO undefined, it *probably* means that
the PT_FOO macro isn't defined for that platform (which means
it need to be done another way like PT_GETREGS on darwin doesn't
exist... but the darwin mixin over-rides platformGetRegs)
def __init__(self):
Setup supported modes
self.conthack = 0
if sys.platform == "darwin":
self.conthack = 1
[docs] def platformExec(self, cmdline):
self.execing = True
cmdlist = e_cli.splitargs(cmdline)
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
ptrace(PT_TRACE_ME, 0, 0, 0)
os.execv(cmdlist[0], cmdlist)
return pid
[docs] def platformWriteMemory(self, address, bytes):
wordsize = len(struct.pack("P",0))
remainder = len(bytes) % wordsize
if remainder:
pad = self.readMemory(address+(len(bytes)-remainder), wordsize)
bytes += pad[remainder:]
for i in range(len(bytes)/wordsize):
offset = wordsize*i
dword = struct.unpack("L",bytes[offset:offset+wordsize])[0]
if ptrace(PT_WRITE_D, self.pid, long(address+offset), long(dword)) != 0:
raise Exception("ERROR ptrace PT_WRITE_D failed!")