Tracer Platform Base
# Copyright (C) 2007 Invisigoth - See LICENSE file for details
import os
import struct
import vtrace
import traceback
import platform
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread,currentThread,Lock
import envi
import envi.memory as e_mem
import envi.threads as e_threads
import envi.resolver as e_resolv
import vstruct.builder as vs_builder
[docs]class TracerBase(vtrace.Notifier):
The basis for a tracer's internals. All platformFoo/archFoo
functions are defaulted, and internal state is initialized.
Additionally, a number of internal utilities are housed here.
def __init__(self):
The routine to initialize a tracer's initial internal state. This
is used by the initial creation routines, AND on attaches/executes
to re-fresh the state of the tracer.
WARNING: This will erase all metadata/symbols (modes/notifiers are kept)
self.pid = 0 # Attached pid (also used to know if attached)
self.exited = False
self.breakpoints = {}
self.newbreaks = []
self.bpbyid = {}
self.bpid = 0
self.curbp = None
self.bplock = Lock()
self.deferred = []
self.running = False
self.runagain = False
self.attached = False
# A cache for memory maps and fd listings
self.mapcache = None
self.thread = None # our proxy thread...
self.threadcache = None
self.fds = None
self.signal_ignores = []
self.localvars = {}
# Set if we are RunForever until a thread exit...
self._join_thread = None
self._break_after_bp = True # Do we stop on the instruction *after* the bp?
self.vsbuilder = vs_builder.VStructBuilder()
self.psize = self.getPointerSize() # From the envi arch mod...
# Track which libraries are parsed, and their
# normame to full path mappings
self.libloaded = {} # True if the library has been loaded already
self.libpaths = {} # normname->filename and filename->normname lookup
# Set up some globally expected metadata
self.setMeta('PendingSignal', None)
self.setMeta('SignalInfo', None)
self.setMeta("LibraryBases", {}) # name -> base address mappings for binaries
self.setMeta("LibraryPaths", {}) # base -> path mappings for binaries
self.setMeta("ThreadId", 0) # If you *can* have a thread id put it here
plat = platform.system()
rel = platform.release()
self.setMeta("Platform", plat)
self.setMeta("Release", rel)
# Use this if we are *expecting* a break
# which is caused by us (so we remove the
# SIGBREAK from pending_signal
self.setMeta("ShouldBreak", False)
[docs] def nextBpId(self):
x = self.bpid
self.bpid += 1
return x
def _justAttached(self, pid):
# Used by the top level Trace after platform routines
self.pid = pid
self.attached = True
self.breakpoints = {}
self.bpbyid = {}
self.setMeta("PendingSignal", None)
self.setMeta("ExitCode", 0)
self.exited = False
[docs] def getResolverForFile(self, filename):
res = self.resbynorm.get(filename, None)
if res: return res
res = self.resbyfile.get(filename, None)
if res: return res
return None
[docs] def steploop(self):
Continue stepi'ing in a loop until shouldRunAgain()
returns false (like RunForever mode or something)
if self.getMode("NonBlocking", False):
[docs] def doStepLoop(self):
go = True
while go:
go = self.shouldRunAgain()
def _doRun(self):
# Exists to avoid recursion from loop in doWait
fastbreak = False
if self.curbp:
fastbreak = self.curbp.fastbreak
# If we are on a breakpoint, and it's a fastbreak
# we don't want to fire a "continue" event.
if not fastbreak:
# Step past a breakpoint if we are on one.
# Throw down and activate breakpoints...
if not fastbreak:
self.running = True
self.runagain = False
self._syncRegs() # Must be basically last...
self.setMeta("PendingSignal", None)
[docs] def wait(self):
Wait for the trace target to have
something happen... If the trace is in
NonBlocking mode, this will fire a thread
to wait for you and return control immediately.
if self.getMode("NonBlocking"):
def _doWait(self):
doit = True
while doit:
# A wrapper method for wait() and the wait thread to use
self.setMeta('SignalInfo', None)
self.setMeta('PendingSignal', None)
event = self.platformWait()
self.running = False
doit = self.shouldRunAgain()
if doit:
def _fireSignal(self, signo, siginfo=None):
self.setMeta('PendingSignal', signo)
self.setMeta('SignalInfo', siginfo)
def _fireExit(self, ecode):
self.setMeta('ExitCode', ecode)
def _fireExitThread(self, threadid, ecode):
self.setMeta('ExitThread', threadid)
self.setMeta('ExitCode', ecode)
def _activateBreak(self, bp):
# NOTE: This is special cased by hardware debuggers etc...
if bp.isEnabled():
except Exception, e:
print "WARNING: bpid %d activate failed (deferring): %s" % (bp.id, e)
def _throwdownBreaks(self):
Run through the breakpoints and setup
the ones that are enabled.
NOTE: This should *not* get called when continuing
from a fastbreak...
# Resolve deferred breaks
for bp in self.deferred:
addr = bp.resolveAddress(self)
if addr != None:
self.breakpoints[addr] = bp
for bp in self.breakpoints.values():
def _syncRegs(self):
Sync the reg-cache into the target process
if self.regcache != None:
for tid, ctx in self.regcache.items():
if ctx.isDirty():
self.platformSetRegCtx(tid, ctx)
self.regcache = None
def _cacheRegs(self, threadid):
Make sure the reg-cache is populated
if self.regcache == None:
self.regcache = {}
ret = self.regcache.get(threadid)
if ret == None:
ret = self.platformGetRegCtx(threadid)
self.regcache[threadid] = ret
return ret
def _checkForBreak(self):
Check to see if we've landed on a breakpoint, and if so
deactivate and step us past it.
WARNING: Unfortunatly, cause this is used immidiatly before
a call to run/wait, we must block briefly even for the GUI
# Steal a reference because the step should
# clear curbp...
bp = self.curbp
if bp != None and bp.isEnabled():
if bp.active:
orig = self.getMode("FastStep")
self.setMode("FastStep", True)
self.setMode("FastStep", orig)
self.curbp = None
[docs] def shouldRunAgain(self):
A unified place for the test as to weather this trace
should be told to run again after reaching some stopping
if not self.attached:
return False
if self.exited:
return False
if self.getMode("RunForever"):
return True
if self.runagain:
return True
return False
def __repr__(self):
run = "stopped"
exe = "None"
if self.isRunning():
run = "running"
elif self.exited:
run = "exited"
exe = self.getMeta("ExeName")
return "[%d]\t- %s <%s>" % (self.pid, exe, run)
[docs] def initMode(self, name, value, descr):
Initialize a mode, this should ONLY be called
during setup routines for the trace! It determines
the available mode setings.
self.modes[name] = bool(value)
self.modedocs[name] = descr
[docs] def release(self):
Do cleanup when we're done. This is mostly necissary
because of the thread proxy holding a reference to this
tracer... We need to let him die off and try to get
garbage collected.
if self.thread:
self.thread.go = False
def _cleanupResources(self):
def _tellThreadExit(self):
if self.thread != None:
self.thread = None
def __del__(self):
if not self._released:
print 'Warning! tracer del w/o release()!'
[docs] def fireTracerThread(self):
# Fire the threadwrap proxy thread for this tracer
# (if it hasnt been fired...)
if self.thread == None:
self.thread = TracerThread()
[docs] def fireNotifiers(self, event):
Fire the registered notifiers for the NOTIFY_* event.
if event == vtrace.NOTIFY_SIGNAL:
signo = self.getCurrentSignal()
if signo in self.getMeta("IgnoredSignals", []):
if vtrace.verbose: print "Ignoring",signo
alllist = self.getNotifiers(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL)
nlist = self.getNotifiers(event)
trace = self
# if the trace has a proxy it's notifiers
# need that, cause we can't be pickled ;)
if self.proxy:
trace = self.proxy
# First we notify ourself....
self.handleEvent(event, self)
# The "NOTIFY_ALL" guys get priority
for notifier in alllist:
print "WARNING: Notifier exception for",repr(notifier)
for notifier in nlist:
print "WARNING: Notifier exception for",repr(notifier)
def _cleanupBreakpoints(self):
Cleanup all breakpoints (if the current bp is "fastbreak" this routine
will not be called...
for bp in self.breakpoints.itervalues():
def _fireStep(self):
if self.getMode('FastStep', False):
def _fireBreakpoint(self, bp):
self.curbp = bp
# A breakpoint should be inactive when fired
# (even fastbreaks, we'll need to deactivate for stepi anyway)
bp.notify(vtrace.NOTIFY_BREAK, self)
except Exception, msg:
print "Breakpoint Exception 0x%.8x : %s" % (bp.address,msg)
if not bp.fastbreak:
# fastbreak's are basically always "run again"
self.runagain = True
[docs] def checkPageWatchpoints(self):
Check if the given memory fault was part of a valid
faultaddr,faultperm = self.platformGetMemFault()
#FIXME this is some AWESOME but intel specific nonsense
if faultaddr == None: return False
faultpage = faultaddr & 0xfffff000
wp = self.breakpoints.get(faultpage, None)
if wp == None:
return False
return True
[docs] def checkWatchpoints(self):
# Check for hardware watchpoints
waddr = self.archCheckWatchpoints()
if waddr != None:
wp = self.breakpoints.get(waddr, None)
return True
[docs] def checkBreakpoints(self):
This is mostly for systems (like linux) where you can't tell
the difference between some SIGSTOP/SIGBREAK conditions and
an actual breakpoint instruction.
This method will return true if either the breakpoint
subsystem or the sendBreak (via ShouldBreak meta) is true
(and it will have handled firing events for the bp)
pc = self.getProgramCounter()
if self._break_after_bp:
bi = self.archGetBreakInstr()
pc -= len(bi)
bp = self.breakpoints.get(pc, None)
if bp:
addr = bp.getAddress()
# Step back one instruction to account break
return True
if self.getMeta("ShouldBreak"):
self.setMeta("ShouldBreak", False)
return True
return False
[docs] def notify(self, event, trace):
We are frequently a notifier for ourselves, so we can do things
like handle events on attach and on break in a unified fashion.
self.threadcache = None
self.mapcache = None
self.fds = None
self.running = False
if event in self.auto_continue:
# For thread exits, make sure the tid
# isn't in
if event == vtrace.NOTIFY_EXIT_THREAD:
tid = self.getMeta("ThreadId")
self.sus_threads.pop(tid, None)
# Check if this is a thread we were waiting on.
if tid == self._join_thread:
self._join_thread = None
# Turn off the RunForever in joinThread()
self.setMode('RunForever', False)
# Either way, we don't want to run again...
# Do the stuff we do for detach/exit or
# cleanup breaks etc...
if event == vtrace.NOTIFY_ATTACH:
elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_DETACH:
for tid in self.sus_threads.keys():
elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_EXIT:
self.setMode("RunForever", False)
self.exited = True
self.attached = False
elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_CONTINUE:
self.runagain = False
[docs] def delLibraryBase(self, baseaddr):
libname = self.getMeta("LibraryPaths").get(baseaddr, "unknown")
normname = self.normFileName(libname)
sym = self.getSymByName(normname)
self.setMeta("LatestLibrary", libname)
self.setMeta("LatestLibraryNorm", normname)
self.getMeta("LibraryBases").pop(normname, None)
self.getMeta("LibraryPaths").pop(baseaddr, None)
if sym != None:
[docs] def addLibraryBase(self, libname, address, always=False):
This should be used *at load time* to setup the library
event metadata.
This *must* be called from a context where it's safe to
fire notifiers, because it will fire a notifier to alert
about a LOAD_LIBRARY. (This means *not* from inside another
self.setMeta("LatestLibrary", None)
self.setMeta("LatestLibraryNorm", None)
normname = self.normFileName(libname)
if self.getSymByName(normname) != None:
normname = "%s_%.8x" % (normname,address)
# Only actually do library work with a file or force
if os.path.exists(libname) or always:
self.getMeta("LibraryPaths")[address] = libname
self.getMeta("LibraryBases")[normname] = address
self.setMeta("LatestLibrary", libname)
self.setMeta("LatestLibraryNorm", normname)
width = self.arch.getPointerSize()
sym = e_resolv.FileSymbol(normname, address, 0, width=width)
sym.casesens = self.casesens
self.libpaths[normname] = libname
[docs] def normFileName(self, libname):
basename = os.path.basename(libname)
return basename.split(".")[0].split("-")[0].lower()
def _findLibraryMaps(self, magic, always=False):
# A utility for platforms which lack library load
# notification through the operating system
done = {}
mlen = len(magic)
for addr,size,perms,fname in self.getMemoryMaps():
if not fname:
if done.get(fname):
if self.readMemory(addr, mlen) == magic:
done[fname] = True
self.addLibraryBase(fname, addr, always=always)
pass # *never* do this... except this once...
def _loadBinaryNorm(self, normname):
if not self.libloaded.get(normname, False):
fname = self.libpaths.get(normname)
if fname != None:
return True
return False
def _loadBinary(self, filename):
Check if a filename has yet to be parsed. If it has NOT
been parsed, parse it and return True, otherwise, return False
normname = self.normFileName(filename)
if not self.libloaded.get(normname, False):
address = self.getMeta("LibraryBases").get(normname)
if address != None:
self.platformParseBinary(filename, address, normname)
self.libloaded[normname] = True
return True
return False
def _simpleCreateThreads(self):
Fire a thread event for each of the current threads.
(for use by tracers which don't get help from the OS)
initid = self.getMeta('ThreadId')
for tid in self.platformGetThreads().keys():
self.setMeta('ThreadId', tid)
self.setMeta('ThreadId', initid)
# NOTE: all platform/arch defaults are populated here.
[docs] def archGetStackTrace(self):
raise Exception("Architecure must implement argGetStackTrace()!")
[docs] def archAddWatchpoint(self, address, size=4, perms="rw"):
Add a watchpoint for the given address. Raise if the platform
doesn't support, or too many are active...
raise Exception("Architecture doesn't implement watchpoints!")
[docs] def archRemWatchpoint(self, address):
raise Exception("Architecture doesn't implement watchpoints!")
[docs] def archCheckWatchpoints(self):
If the current register state indicates that a watchpoint was hit,
return the address of the watchpoint and clear the event. Otherwise
return None
[docs] def archGetRegCtx(self):
Return a new empty envi.registers.RegisterContext object for this
raise Exception("Platform must implement archGetRegCtx()")
[docs] def getStackTrace(self):
Return a list of the stack frames for this process
(currently Intel/ebp based only). Each element of the
"frames list" consists of another list which is (eip,ebp)
raise Exception("Platform must implement getStackTrace()")
[docs] def getExe(self):
Get the full path to the main executable for this
*attached* Trace
return self.getMeta("ExeName","Unknown")
import threading
[docs]def threadwrap(func):
def trfunc(self, *args, **kwargs):
if threading.currentThread().__class__ == TracerThread:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Proxy the call through a single thread
q = Queue()
# FIXME change calling convention!
args = (self, ) + args
self.thread.queue.put((func, args, kwargs, q))
ret = q.get()
if issubclass(ret.__class__, Exception):
raise ret
return ret
return trfunc
[docs]class TracerThread(Thread):
Ok... so here's the catch... most debug APIs do *not* allow
one thread to do the attach and another to do continue and another
to do wait... they just dont. So there. I have to make a thread
per-tracer (on most platforms) and proxy requests (for *some* trace
API methods) to it for actual execution. SUCK!
However, this lets async things like GUIs and threaded things like
cobra not have to be aware of which one is allowed and not allowed
to make particular calls and on what platforms... YAY!
def __init__(self):
self.queue = Queue()
[docs] def run(self):
Run in a circle getting requests from our queue and
executing them based on the thread.
while True:
qobj = self.queue.get()
if qobj == None:
meth, args, kwargs, queue = qobj
queue.put(meth(*args, **kwargs))
except Exception,e:
if vtrace.verbose:
if vtrace.verbose: