Source code for visgraph.unittests.pathtest
A module for path related unit tests.
import visgraph.pathcore as vg_pcore
import visgraph.graphcore as vg_gcore
[docs]def buildPathGraph():
g = vg_gcore.Graph()
n0 = g.addNode()
n1 = g.addNode()
n2 = g.addNode()
n3 = g.addNode()
n4 = g.addNode()
g.addEdge(n0, n1)
g.addEdge(n0, n2)
g.addEdge(n1, n3)
g.addEdge(n1, n4)
return g,n0,n4
[docs]def vgtest_basic_path_search():
g,begin_node,end_node = buildPathGraph()
res = g.pathSearchFromTo(begin_node, end_node)
for eid in res:
eid, fromid, toid, einfo = g.getEdge(eid)
print '%d --(%d)--> %d' % (fromid, eid, toid)
[docs]def test_callback_false(graph, edge, depth):
print 'DENY EDGE: %s' % repr(edge)
[docs]def test_callback_true(graph, edge, depth):
print 'ALLOW EDGE: %s' % repr(edge)
return True
[docs]def vgtest_path_callback_false_test():
g,begin_node,end_node = buildPathGraph()
res = g.pathSearchFromTo(begin_node, end_node, edgecb=test_callback_false)
if len(res) != 0:
raise Exception('Should Not Have Answers!')
[docs]def vgtest_path_callback_true_test():
g,begin_node,end_node = buildPathGraph()
res = g.pathSearchFromTo(begin_node, end_node, edgecb=test_callback_true)
if len(res) == 0:
raise Exception('Should Have Answers!')
print repr(res)