Source code for visgraph.pathcore
Paths are enumerated threads through a particular graph. They
are implemented as an optimized hierarchical graph using python
primitives to save memory and processing time...
Each "leaf" node may be tracked back for it's entire path by
tracking back to parents.
[docs]def newPathNode(parent=None, **kwargs):
Create a new path node with the given properties
ret = (parent, [], kwargs)
if parent != None:
return ret
[docs]def getNodeParent(pnode):
return pnode[0]
[docs]def delPathNode(pnode):
Prune (remove) this node from the parent...
p = getNodeParent(pnode)
if p != None:
[docs]def getNodeIndex(pnode):
p = getNodeParent(pnode)
if p != None:
return p[1].index(pnode)
return None
[docs]def getNodeKids(pnode):
Return the list of children nodes for the specified
Example: for knode in getNodeKids(pnode):
return pnode[1]
[docs]def getRootNode(pnode):
Get the root node for the path tree which contains
Example: root = getRootNode(branchnode)
ret = pnode
while pnode[0] != None:
pnode = pnode[0]
return pnode
[docs]def getLeafNodes(pnode):
Get all the leaf nodes for the path tree which contains
the pnode.
Example: for leaf in getLeafNodes(root):
root = getRootNode(pnode)
ret = []
todo = [root, ]
while len(todo):
x = todo.pop()
if len(x[1]) == 0:
for n in x[1]:
return ret
[docs]def getPathToNode(pnode):
Return a list of the path nodes which lead from the
root node to the specified path node.
path = []
while pnode != None:
pnode = pnode[0]
return path
[docs]def getAllPaths(pnode):
Get a list of lists which has each path flattened out.
Example: for path in getAllPaths(pnode):
print 'Found A Path:'
for node in path:
leafs = getLeafNodes(pnode)
paths = []
for leaf in leafs:
path = getPathToNode(leaf)
return paths
[docs]def getNodeProp(pnode, key, default=None):
Get a property from the given node, returning
default in the case that the specified property is
not present.
name = getNodeProp(pnode, 'name', 'Unknown')
return pnode[2].get(key, default)
[docs]def getPathProp(pnode, key, default=None):
Retrieve the specified property by walking the give
path backward until the property is found. Returns
the specified default if the specified key is not found
as a property of any node in the given path.
name = getPathProp(pnode, 'name', 'Unknown')
parent = pnode
while parent != None:
parent, kids, props = parent
x = props.get(key)
if x != None:
return x
return default
[docs]def setNodeProp(pnode, key, value):
Set a spcified property on the given path node.
setNodeProp(pnode, 'name', 'woot')
pnode[2][key] = value
[docs]def isPathLoop(pnode, key, value):
Assuming you have some identifier property (such as graph node id)
being set on the path nodes, you may use this API to determine if
the current path has a node with the specified key/value property.
if searchPathLoop(pnode, 'nid', 5):
parent = pnode
while parent != None:
parent, kids, props = parent
if props.get(key) == value:
return True
return False
[docs]def getPathLoopCount(pnode, key, value):
Assuming that the key is unique, walk the current path and see how
many times "key" has the specified value. This will be how many instances
of a loop have been encountered.
count = 0
parent = pnode
while parent != None:
parent, kids, props = parent
if props.get(key) == value:
count += 1
return count