Graphcore contains all the base graph manipulation objects.
import itertools
from exc import *
import visgraph.pathcore as vg_pathcore
[docs]class Graph:
The base Graph object implements a simple nodes and edges graph.
Nodes -
Nodes consist of a dicionary of properties about that node and
a unique id which identifies the node in the current graph. From
API perspective a node is a tuple of (nodeid, nodeprops).
Edges -
Edges are directional sets of a from node-id and to node-id and
a piece of arbitrary edge information.
def __init__(self):
self.nidgen = itertools.count()
self.eidgen = itertools.count()
self.metadata = {}
[docs] def wipeGraph(self):
Re-initialize the graph structures and start clean again.
self.edges = {}
self.nodes = {}
self.edge_by_from = {}
self.edge_by_to = {}
[docs] def getEdges(self):
Get the list of edges in the graph. Edges are defined
as (eid, fromid, toid, einfo) tuples.
Example: for eid, fromid, toid, einfo in g.getEdges():
return list(self.edges.values())
[docs] def getEdge(self, eid):
Get the (eid, fromid, toid, einfo) tuple for the specified
Example: e = g.getEdge(eid)
return self.edges.get(eid, None)
[docs] def getEdgeInfo(self, eid, key, default=None):
Get a property about an edge specified by from/to id.
Example: n = g.getEdgeInfo(eid 'name', 'Default Name')
edge = self.edges.get(eid)
if edge == None:
raise EdgeNonExistant(eid)
eid, fromid, toid, einfo = edge
return einfo.get(key, default)
[docs] def setEdgeInfo(self, eid, key, value):
Set a key/value pair about a given edge by
it's from/to id.
Example: g.setEdgeInfo(eid, 'awesomeness', 99)
edge = self.edges.get(eid)
if edge == None:
raise EdgeNonExistant(eid)
eid, fromid, toid, einfo = edge
einfo[key] = value
[docs] def setNodeInfo(self, nodeid, key, value):
Store a piece of information (by key:value) about a given node.
Example g.setNodeInfo(nid, 'Description', 'My Node Is Awesome!')
d = self.nodes.get(nodeid)
if d == None:
raise NodeNonExistant(nodeid)
d[key] = value
[docs] def getNodeInfo(self, nodeid, key, default=None):
Retrieve a piece of information about a given node by key.
Example: descr = g.getNodeInfo(nid, 'Description', default='OH HAI')
d = self.nodes.get(nodeid)
if d == None:
raise NodeNonExistant(nodeid)
return d.get(key, default)
[docs] def getNodeProps(self, nodeid):
Get the node info dictionary for the specified node.
Example: d = g.getNodeProps(nid)
return self.nodes.get(nodeid)
[docs] def addNode(self, nodeid=None, ninfo=None, **kwargs):
Add a Node object to the graph. Returns the nodeid.
Example: nid = g.addNode()
g.addNode('woot', {'height':20, 'width':20})
NOTE: If nodeid is unspecified, it is considered an 'anonymous'
node and will have an ID automagically assigned.
if nodeid == None:
nodeid = self.nidgen.next()
p = self.nodes.get(nodeid)
if p != None:
raise DuplicateNode(nodeid)
if ninfo == None:
ninfo = {}
ninfo['nodeid'] = nodeid
self.nodes[nodeid] = ninfo
return nodeid
[docs] def delNode(self, nid):
for eid,nfrom,nto,einfo in self.getRefsFrom(nid):
for eid,nfrom,nto,einfo in self.getRefsTo(nid):
return self.nodes.pop(nid)
[docs] def getNode(self, nodeid):
Return the dictionary of properties for the specified node id.
return self.nodes.get(nodeid)
[docs] def getNodes(self):
Return a list of (nodeid, nodeinfo) tuples.
return self.nodes.items()
[docs] def hasNode(self, nodeid):
Check if a given node is present within the graph.
Example: if g.hasNode('yermom'): print 'woot'
return self.getNode(nodeid) != None
[docs] def addEdge(self, fromid, toid, eid=None, einfo=None, **kwargs):
Add an edge to the graph. Edges are directional.
Example: g.addEdge(node_1, node_2, einfo={'name':'Woot Edge'})
if einfo == None:
einfo = {}
if eid == None:
eid = self.eidgen.next()
e = (eid, fromid, toid, einfo)
self.edges[eid] = e
xlist = self.edge_by_from.get(fromid)
if xlist == None:
xlist = []
self.edge_by_from[fromid] = xlist
ylist = self.edge_by_to.get(toid)
if ylist == None:
ylist = []
self.edge_by_to[toid] = ylist
return eid
[docs] def delEdge(self, eid):
Delete an edge from the graph (by eid).
Example: g.delEdge(eid)
e = self.edges.pop(eid, None)
if e == None:
raise EdgeNonExistant(eid)
eid, fromid, toid, einfo = e
self.edge_by_to[toid] = [ x for x in self.edge_by_to[toid] if x[0] != eid ]
self.edge_by_from[fromid] = [ x for x in self.edge_by_from[fromid] if x[0] != eid ]
[docs] def getRefsFrom(self, nodeid):
Return a list of edges which originate with us.
Example: for eid, fromid, toid, einfo in g.getRefsFrom(id)
ret = self.edge_by_from.get(nodeid)
if ret == None:
ret = []
return ret
[docs] def getRefsTo(self, nodeid):
Return a list of edges which terminate at us.
Example: for eid, fromid, toid, einfo in g.getRefsFrom(id)
ret = self.edge_by_to.get(nodeid)
if ret == None:
ret = []
return ret
[docs] def getClusterGraphs(self):
Return a list of the subgraph clusters (as graphs) contained
within this graph. A subgraph "cluster" is defined as a
group of interconnected nodes. This can be used to split
out grouped subgraphs from within a larger graph.
ret = []
nodes = self.getNodes()
done = {}
while len(nodes):
nid, ninfo = nodes.pop()
if done.get(nid):
# Generate the cluster subgraph
todo = [ (nid, ninfo), ]
g = Graph()
while len(todo):
gnid, gninfo = todo.pop()
done[gnid] = True
if not g.getNode(gnid):
g.addNode(nodeid=gnid, ninfo=gninfo)
for eid,n1,n2,einfo in self.getRefsFrom(gnid):
if not g.getNode(n2):
n2info = self.getNodeProps(n2)
g.addNode(nodeid=n2, ninfo=n2info)
todo.append((n2, n2info))
if not g.getEdge(eid):
g.addEdge(n1, n2, eid=eid, einfo=einfo)
for eid,n1,n2,einfo in self.getRefsTo(gnid):
if not g.getNode(n1):
n1info = self.getNodeProps(n1)
g.addNode(nodeid=n1, ninfo=n1info)
todo.append((n1, n1info))
if not g.getEdge(eid):
g.addEdge(n1, n2, eid=eid, einfo=einfo)
return ret
[docs] def pathSearchOne(self, *args, **kwargs):
for p in self.pathSearch(*args, **kwargs):
return p
[docs] def pathSearch(self, fromid, toid=None, edgecb=None, tocb=None):
Search for the shortest path from one node to another
with the option to filter based on edges using
edgecb. edgecb should be a function:
def myedgecb(graph, eid, fromid, toid, depth)
which returns True if it's OK to traverse this node
in the search.
Additionally, toid may be None and the caller may specify
tocb with a function such as:
def mytocb(graph, nid)
which must return True on finding the target node
Returns a list of edge ids...
if toid == None and tocb == None:
raise Exception('You must use either toid or tocb!')
root = vg_pathcore.newPathNode(nid=fromid, eid=None)
todo = [(root, 0),]
# FIXME make this a deque so it can be FIFO
while len(todo):
pnode,depth = todo.pop() # popleft()
ppnode, pkids, pprops = pnode
nid = pprops.get('nid')
for edge in self.getRefsFrom(nid):
eid, srcid, dstid, einfo = edge
if vg_pathcore.isPathLoop(pnode, 'nid', dstid):
# Check if the callback is present and likes us...
if edgecb != None:
if not edgecb(self, edge, depth):
# Are we the match?
match = False
if dstid == toid:
match = True
if tocb and tocb(self, dstid):
match = True
if match:
m = vg_pathcore.newPathNode(pnode, nid=dstid, eid=eid)
path = vg_pathcore.getPathToNode(m)
ret = []
for ppnode, pkids, pprops in path:
eid = pprops.get('eid')
if eid != None:
yield ret
# Add the next set of choices to evaluate.
branch = vg_pathcore.newPathNode(pnode, nid=dstid, eid=eid)
todo.append((branch, depth+1))
#return []
[docs] def pathSearchFrom(self, fromid, nodecb, edgecb=None):
Search from the specified node (breadth first) until you
find a node where nodecb(graph, nid) == True. See
pathSearchFromTo for docs on edgecb...
[docs]class HierarchicalGraph(Graph):
An extension to the graph base which implements the idea of hierarchy
keeping a weight relationship based on the added edges.
Edges are directional from X to y.
You must add nodes with the property "rootnode" to know where the
hierarchy begins!
def __init__(self):
[docs] def getRootNodes(self):
Get all the node id's in this graph which are weight 0 (meaning
they have no parents)...
ret = []
for nid, nprops in self.nodes.items():
if nprops.get('rootnode', False):
return ret
[docs] def getNodeWeights(self):
Calculate the node weights for the given nodes in the hierarchical
graph based on the added "rootnode" nodes. This will return a dict
of { nodeid: weight, } key-pairs.
# NOTE: This will also set the 'weight' property on the nodes
weights = {}
todo = [ (r, []) for r in self.getRootNodes() ]
while len(todo):
nid, path = todo.pop()
cweight = weights.get(nid, 0)
weights[nid] = max(cweight, len(path))
for eid, fromid, toid, einfo in self.getRefsFrom(nid):
if weights.get(toid, -1) >= len(path):
if toid not in path:
todo.append((toid, list(path)))
for nid,weight in weights.items():
self.setNodeInfo(nid, 'weight', weight)
return weights
[docs] def getPathCount(self):
Return the number of non-looped paths through this function.
NOTE: one small issue, "spiral" functions where the leaf node
has a lower weight than a block which must reach it by a
looped path will be a few total paths short...
nodes = []
leafnodes = []
# We must put all nodes into weight order
weights = self.getNodeWeights()
# Initialize all nodes to 0
# (and populate leafnodes list...)
for nid,ninfo in self.getNodes():
nodes.append( (weights.get(nid), nid, ninfo) )
ninfo['pathcount'] = 0
# No refs from means leaf
xrfcnt = len(self.getRefsFrom(nid))
if xrfcnt == 0:
# Seed root nodes with a path
if ninfo.get('rootnode'):
ninfo['pathcount'] = 1
# Lets make the list of nodes *ordered* by weight
# Now tally ho!
for weight, nid, ninfo in nodes:
# Here's the magic... In *hierarchy order* each node
# gets the sum of the paths of his parents.
for eid, fromid, toid, einfo in self.getRefsFrom(nid):
props = self.getNodeProps(toid)
# A reference to somebody at our weight (probably self)
# is considered a loop...
if weights[toid] == weight:
props['pathcount'] += ninfo['pathcount']
totcount = 0
for nid,ninfo in leafnodes:
totcount += ninfo['pathcount']
return totcount