drawing Package

drawing Package

Some utils for drawing...

bezier Module

visgraph.drawing.bezier.calculate_bezier(points, steps=30)[source]

Arbitrary depth and arbitrary precision bezier implementation. Takes a list of (x,y) point tuples and returnes the points to draw for the bezier curve.

visgraph.drawing.bezier.splitline(pt1, pt2, percent=0.5)[source]

Return a point which splits the given line at the given percentage...

Example: splitline( (0,0), (20, 30), 0.1)

catmullrom Module

visgraph.drawing.catmullrom.calculate_catmullrom(points, steps=30)[source]
visgraph.drawing.catmullrom.spline4p(t, p_1, p0, p1, p2)[source]

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