Source code for

A module with some cute toys for monitoring allocations.

import vtrace

import envi.archs.i386 as e_i386

[docs]class ReturnBreak(vtrace.Breakpoint): def __init__(self, addr, chsize, chflags): vtrace.Breakpoint.__init__(self, addr) self.fastbreak = True self._chsize = chsize self._chflags = chflags
[docs] def notify(self, event, trace): eax = trace.getRegister(e_i386.REG_EAX) a = trace.getMeta('HeapAllocs') a.append((self.address, eax, self._chsize, self._chflags)) trace.runAgain()
[docs]class RtlAllocateHeapBreak(vtrace.Breakpoint): def __init__(self, addr): vtrace.Breakpoint.__init__(self, addr) self.fastbreak = True
[docs] def notify(self, event, trace): sp = trace.getStackCounter() ( saved_eip, heap, flags, size ) = trace.readMemoryFormat(sp, '<4P') if trace.getBreakpointByAddr(saved_eip) == None: bp = ReturnBreak(saved_eip, size, flags) trace.addBreakpoint(bp) trace.runAgain()
[docs]def watchHeapAllocs(trace): ''' Add a breakpoint to ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap to watch for allocations and track who made them... ''' clearHeapAllocs(trace) addr = trace.parseExpression('ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap') bp = RtlAllocateHeapBreak(addr) trace.addBreakpoint(bp)
[docs]def clearHeapAllocs(trace): trace.setMeta('HeapAllocs', [])
[docs]def getHeapAllocs(trace): ''' Return a list of (caller_eip, heap_chunk, size, flags) tuples ''' return trace.getMeta('HeapAllocs', [])