Source code for vtrace.breakpoints

Breakpoint Objects

# Copyright (C) 2007 Invisigoth - See LICENSE file for details

import time

import vtrace

class Breakpoint:
[docs] """ Breakpoints in Vtrace are platform independant objects that use the underlying trace objects to get things like the program counter and the break instruction. As long as platfforms are completely implemented, all breakpoint objects should be portable. """ bpcodeobj = {} # Cache compiled code objects on the class def def __init__(self, address, expression=None): self.saved = None self.resonce = False self.address = address self.breakinst = None self.enabled = True = False self.fastbreak = False = -1 self.vte = None self.bpcode = None if expression: self.vte = expression def getAddress(self):
[docs] """ This will return the address for this breakpoint. If the return'd address is None, this is a deferred breakpoint which needs to have resolveAddress() called to attempt to set the address. """ return self.address def getId(self):
[docs] return def getName(self):
[docs] if self.vte: return str(self.vte) return "0x%.8x" % self.address def __repr__(self):
if self.address == None: addr = "unresolved" else: addr = "0x%.8x" % self.address return "[%d] %s %s: %s" % (, addr, self.__class__.__name__, self.getName()) def inittrace(self, trace):
[docs] ''' A callback to do housekeeping at the time the breakpoint is added to the tracer object. This should be used instead of activate for initialization time infoz to save on time per activate call... ''' self.breakinst = trace.archGetBreakInstr() def resolvedaddr(self, trace, addr):
[docs] ''' An initialization callback which will be executed when the actual address for this breakpoint has been resolved. ''' self.saved = trace.readMemory(addr, len(self.breakinst)) def activate(self, trace):
[docs] """ Actually store off and replace memory for this process. This is caried out by the trace object itself when it begins running or stops. You probably never need to call this (see isEnabled() setEnabled() for boolean enable/disablle) """ trace.requireAttached() if not if self.address != None: trace.writeMemory(self.address, self.breakinst) = True return def deactivate(self, trace):
[docs] """ Repair the process for continued execution. this does NOT make a breakpoint *inactive*, but removes it's "0xcc" from mem (see isEnabled() setEnabled() for boolean enable/dissable) """ trace.requireAttached() if = False trace.writeMemory(self.address, self.saved) return def resolveAddress(self, trace):
[docs] """ Try to resolve the address for this break. If this is a statically addressed break, just return the address. If it has an "expression" use that to resolve the address... """ if self.address == None and self.vte: try: self.address = trace.parseExpression(self.vte) except Exception, e: self.address == None # If we resolved, lets get our saved code... if self.address != None and not self.resonce: self.resonce = True self.resolvedaddr(trace, self.address) return self.address def isEnabled(self):
[docs] """ Is this breakpoint "enabled"? """ return self.enabled def setEnabled(self, enabled=True):
[docs] """ Set this breakpoints "enabled" status """ self.enabled = enabled def setBreakpointCode(self, pystr):
[docs] """ Use this method to set custom python code to run when this breakpoint gets hit. The code will have the following objects mapped into it's namespace when run: trace - the tracer vtrace - the vtrace module bp - the breakpoint """ self.bpcode = pystr Breakpoint.bpcodeobj.pop(, None) def getBreakpointCode(self):
[docs] """ Return the current python string that will be run when this break is hit. """ return self.bpcode def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] """ Breakpoints may also extend and implement "notify" which will be called whenever they are hit. If you want to continue the ability for this breakpoint to have bpcode, you must call this method from your override. """ if self.bpcode != None: cobj = Breakpoint.bpcodeobj.get(, None) if cobj == None: fname = "BP:%d (0x%.8x)" % (, self.address) cobj = compile(self.bpcode, fname, "exec") Breakpoint.bpcodeobj[] = cobj d = vtrace.VtraceExpressionLocals(trace) d['bp'] = self exec(cobj, None, d) class TrackerBreak(Breakpoint):
[docs] """ A breakpoint which will record how many times it was hit (by the address it was at) as metadata for the tracer. """ def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] tb = trace.getMeta("TrackerBreak", None) if tb == None: tb = {} trace.setMeta("TrackerBreak", tb) tb[self.address] = (tb.get(self.address,0) + 1) Breakpoint.notify(self, event, trace) class OneTimeBreak(Breakpoint):
[docs] """ This type of breakpoint is exclusivly for marking and code-coverage stuff. It removes itself. (most frequently used with a continued trace) """ def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] trace.removeBreakpoint( Breakpoint.notify(self, event, trace) class StopRunForeverBreak(Breakpoint):
[docs] """ This breakpoint will turn off RunForever mode on the tracer object when hit. it's a good way to let things run on and on processing exceptions but stop when you get to this one thing. """ def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] trace.setMode("RunForever", False) Breakpoint.notify(self, event, trace) class StopAndRemoveBreak(Breakpoint):
[docs] """ When hit, take the tracer out of run-forever mode and remove this breakpoint. """ def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] trace.setMode("RunForever", False) trace.removeBreakpoint( Breakpoint.notify(self, event, trace) class CallBreak(Breakpoint):
[docs] """ A special breakpoint which will restore process state (registers in particular) when it gets hit. This is primarily used by the call method inside the trace object to restore original state after a successful "call" method call. Additionally, the endregs dict will be filled in with the regs at the time it was hit and kept until we get garbage collected... """ def __init__(self, address, saved_regs): Breakpoint.__init__(self, address) self.endregs = None # Filled in when we get hit self.saved_regs = saved_regs def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] self.endregs = trace.getRegisters() trace.removeBreakpoint( trace.setRegisters(self.saved_regs) trace.setMeta("PendingSignal", None) class SnapshotBreak(Breakpoint):
[docs] """ A special breakpoint type which will produce vtrace snapshots for the target process when hit. The snapshots will be saved to a default name of <exename>-<timestamp>.vsnap. This is not recommended for use in heavily hit breakpoints as taking a snapshot is processor intensive. """ def notify(self, event, trace):
[docs] exe = trace.getExe() snap = trace.takeSnapshot() snap.saveToFile("%s-%d.vsnap" % (exe,time.time())) Breakpoint.notify(self, event, trace)