Source code for vstruct

import struct

from inspect import isclass
from StringIO import StringIO

import vstruct.primitives as vs_prims

def isVstructType(x):
[docs] return isinstance(x, vs_prims.v_base) class VStruct(vs_prims.v_base):
[docs] ''' The VStruct class is the bases for all groups of primitive fields which define a "structure". Fields may be added with vsAddField() or simply added as attributes (provided you use a VStruct or one of the vstruct.primitives in the initial assignment.) Example: import vstruct from vstruct.primitives import * vs = vstruct.VStruct() vs.fieldone = v_uint32() vs.fieldtwo = v_str(size=30) bytes = vs.vsEmit() ''' def __init__(self): # A tiny bit of evil... object.__setattr__(self, "_vs_values", {}) vs_prims.v_base.__init__(self) self._vs_name = self.__class__.__name__ self._vs_fields = [] self._vs_field_align = False # To toggle visual studio style packing self._vs_padnum = 0 self._vs_pcallbacks = {} def vsAddParseCallback(self, fieldname, callback):
[docs] ''' Register a callback which will be triggered when the field with the given name is set by the parser. This can be used to simplify auto-parsing to change fields sizes or whatnot during parsing. (You may also name a method pcb_<FieldName> to get a callback for your struct.) Example: def updateLengthTarget(vs): dostuff() v.vsAddParseCallback('lenfield', updateLengthTarget) ''' if self._vs_values.get(fieldname) == None: raise Exception('Invalid Field: %s' % fieldname) cblist = self._vs_pcallbacks.get(fieldname) if cblist == None: cblist = [] self._vs_pcallbacks[fieldname] = cblist cblist.append(callback) def vsGetClassPath(self):
[docs] ''' Return the entire class name (including module path). ''' return '%s.%s' % (self.__module__, self._vs_name) def vsParseFd(self, fd):
[docs] ''' Parse from the given file like object as input. ''' for fname in self._vs_fields: fobj = self._vs_values.get(fname) fobj.vsParseFd(fd) callback = getattr(self, 'pcb_%s' % fname, None) if callback != None: callback() cblist = self._vs_pcallbacks.get(fname) if cblist != None: for callback in cblist: callback(self) def vsParse(self, sbytes, offset=0):
[docs] """ For all the primitives contained within, allow them an opportunity to parse the given data and return the total offset... Any method named pcb_<FieldName> will be called back when the specified field is set by the parser. """ # In order for callbacks to change fields, we can't use vsGetFields() for fname in self._vs_fields: #if fname == "Magic": import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #if fname == "MajorOperatingSystemVersion": import pdb; pdb.set_trace() fobj = self._vs_values.get(fname) #print fname + " " + str(offset) + " " + str(type(fobj)) offset = fobj.vsParse(sbytes, offset=offset) callback = getattr(self, 'pcb_%s' % fname, None) if callback != None: callback() cblist = self._vs_pcallbacks.get(fname) if cblist != None: for callback in cblist: callback(self) return offset def vsEmit(self):
[docs] """ Get back the byte sequence associated with this structure. """ # FIXME.... ret = '' for fname, fobj in self.vsGetFields(): ret += fobj.vsEmit() return ret def vsCalculate(self):
[docs] ''' Calculate fields which need correction before emitting bytes etc... (VStruct extenders may call this, then modify fields internally) ''' for fname, fobj in self.vsGetFields(): fobj.vsCalculate() def vsIsPrim(self):
[docs] return False def vsGetFields(self):
[docs] ''' Get a list of (fieldname, fieldobj) tuples for all the kids in this VStruct (non-recursive) Example: for kidname, kidobj in x.vsGetFields(): print kidname ''' ret = [] for fname in self._vs_fields: fobj = self._vs_values.get(fname) ret.append((fname,fobj)) return ret def vsGetField(self, name):
[docs] x = self._vs_values.get(name) if x == None: raise Exception("Invalid field: %s" % name) return x def vsHasField(self, name):
[docs] ''' Test weather this structure contains a field with the given name.... Example: if x.vsHasField('woot'): print 'STRUCT HAS WOOT FIELD!' ''' return self._vs_values.get(name) != None def vsSetField(self, name, value):
[docs] ''' Mostly for internal use... ''' if isVstructType(value): self._vs_values[name] = value return x = self._vs_values.get(name) return x.vsSetValue(value) # FIXME implement more arithmetic for structs... def __ixor__(self, other):
for name,value in other._vs_values.items(): self._vs_values[name] ^= value return self def vsClearFields(self):
[docs] ''' Clear all fields from the current vstruct object. This may be useful in specialized parsers which populate their structure on vsParse() ''' self.__init__() def vsAddField(self, name, value):
[docs] if not isVstructType(value): raise Exception("Added fields MUST be vstruct types!") # Do optional field alignment... if self._vs_field_align: # If it's a primitive, all is well, if not, pad to size of # the first element of the VStruct/VArray... if value.vsIsPrim(): align = value._vs_align if align == None: align = len(value) else: fname = value._vs_fields[0] field = value._vs_values.get(fname) align = field._vs_align if align == None: align = len(field) delta = len(self) % align if delta != 0: pname = "_pad%d" % self._vs_padnum self._vs_padnum += 1 self._vs_fields.append(pname) self._vs_values[pname] = vs_prims.v_bytes(align-delta) self._vs_fields.append(name) self._vs_values[name] = value def vsInsertField(self, name, value, befname):
[docs] ''' WARNING: vsInsertField does NOT honor field alignment! # FIXME (AND CAN MESS UP OTHER FIELDS ALIGNMENT!) ''' if not isVstructType(value): raise Exception("Added fields MUST be vstruct types!") idx = self._vs_fields.index(befname) self._vs_fields.insert(idx, name) self._vs_values[name] = value def vsGetPrims(self):
[docs] """ return an order'd list of the primitive fields in this structure definition. This is recursive and will return the sub fields of all nested structures. """ ret = [] for name, field in self.vsGetFields(): if field.vsIsPrim(): ret.append(field) else: ret.extend(field.vsGetPrims()) return ret def vsGetTypeName(self):
[docs] return self._vs_name def vsGetOffset(self, name):
[docs] """ Return the offset of a member (by name): """ offset = 0 for fname in self._vs_fields: if name == fname: return offset x = self._vs_values.get(fname) offset += len(x) raise Exception("Invalid Field Specified!") def vsGetPrintInfo(self, offset=0, indent=0, top=True):
[docs] ret = [] if top: ret.append((offset, indent, self._vs_name, self)) off = offset indent += 1 for fname in self._vs_fields: x = self._vs_values.get(fname) #off = offset + self.vsGetOffset(fname) if isinstance(x, VStruct): ret.append((off, indent, fname, x)) ret.extend(x.vsGetPrintInfo(offset=off, indent=indent, top=False)) else: ret.append((off, indent, fname, x)) off += len(x) return ret def __len__(self):
ret = 0 for fname, fobj in self.vsGetFields(): ret += len(fobj) return ret def __getattr__(self, name): # Gotta do this for pickle issues... vsvals = self.__dict__.get("_vs_values") if vsvals == None: vsvals = {} self.__dict__["_vs_values"] = vsvals r = vsvals.get(name) if r is None: raise AttributeError(name) if isinstance(r, vs_prims.v_prim): return r.vsGetValue() return r def __setattr__(self, name, value): # If we have this field, asign to it x = self._vs_values.get(name, None) if x != None: return self.vsSetField(name, value) # If it's a vstruct type, create a new field if isVstructType(value): return self.vsAddField(name, value) # Fail over to standard object attribute behavior return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __iter__(self): # Our iteration returns name,field pairs ret = [] for name in self._vs_fields: ret.append((name, self._vs_values.get(name))) return iter(ret) def __repr__(self): return '<[%s] %s>' % ("VStruct", self._vs_name) def tree(self, va=0, reprmax=None):
[docs] ret = "" for off, indent, name, field in self.vsGetPrintInfo(): rstr = field.vsGetTypeName() if isinstance(field, vs_prims.v_number): val = field.vsGetValue() rstr = '0x%.8x (%d)' % (val,val) elif isinstance(field, vs_prims.v_prim): rstr = repr(field) if reprmax != None and len(rstr) > reprmax: rstr = rstr[:reprmax] + '...' ret += "%.8x (%.2d)%s %s: %s\n" % (va+off, len(field), " "*(indent*2),name,rstr) return ret class VArray(VStruct):
[docs] def __init__(self, elems=()): VStruct.__init__(self) for e in elems: self.vsAddElement(e) def vsAddElement(self, elem):
[docs] """ Used to add elements to an array """ idx = len(self._vs_fields) self.vsAddField("%d" % idx, elem) def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.vsGetField("%d" % index) #FIXME slice asignment class VUnion(VStruct):
[docs] def vsEmit(self):
[docs] raise Exception('VUnion is only for parse right now!') def vsParse(self, sbytes, offset=0):
[docs] """ For all the primitives contained within, allow them an opportunity to parse the given data and return the total offset... Any method named pcb_<FieldName> will be called back when the specified field is set by the parser. """ # In order for callbacks to change fields, we can't use vsGetFields() ret = offset for fname in self._vs_fields: fobj = self._vs_values.get(fname) ret = max(offset, fobj.vsParse(sbytes, offset=offset)) callback = getattr(self, 'pcb_%s' % fname, None) if callback != None: callback() cblist = self._vs_pcallbacks.get(fname) if cblist != None: for callback in cblist: callback(self) return ret def __len__(self):
ret = 0 for fname, fobj in self.vsGetFields(): ret = max(ret, len(fobj)) return ret def vsGetPrintInfo(self, offset=0, indent=0, top=True):
[docs] ret = [] if top: ret.append((offset, indent, self._vs_name, self)) indent += 1 for fname in self._vs_fields: x = self._vs_values.get(fname) if isinstance(x, VStruct): ret.append((offset, indent, fname, x)) ret.extend(x.vsGetPrintInfo(offset=offset, indent=indent, top=False)) else: ret.append((offset, indent, fname, x)) return ret def resolve(impmod, nameparts):
[docs] """ Resolve the given (potentially nested) object from within a module. """ if not nameparts: return None m = impmod for nname in nameparts: m = getattr(m, nname, None) if m == None: break return m def resolvepath(impmod, pathstr):
[docs] ''' Resolve an object/module from within the given module by path name (ie. '') Example: x = resolvepath(vstruct.defs, 'win32.SEH_SCOPETABLE') ''' nameparts = pathstr.split('.') return resolve(impmod, nameparts) # NOTE: Gotta import this *after* VStruct/VSArray defined import vstruct.defs as vs_defs
def getStructure(sname):
[docs] """ Return an instance of the specified structure. The structure name may be a definition that was added with addStructure() or a python path (ie. win32.TEB) of a definition from within vstruct.defs. """ x = resolve(vs_defs, sname.split(".")) if x != None: return x() return None def getModuleNames():
[docs] return [x for x in dir(vs_defs) if not x.startswith("__")] def getStructNames(modname):
[docs] ret = [] mod = resolve(vs_defs, modname) if mod == None: return ret for n in dir(mod): x = getattr(mod, n) if isclass(x) and issubclass(x, VStruct): ret.append(n) return ret