Source code for vqt.qpython

Home of some helpers for python interactive stuff.
import types
import traceback

from threading import Thread
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

from vqt.main import idlethread
from vqt.basics import *

def scripterr(msg, info):
    msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
    msgbox.setText('Script Error: %s' % msg)

[docs]class ScriptThread(Thread): def __init__(self, cobj, locals): Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.cobj = cobj self.locals = locals
[docs] def run(self): try: exec(self.cobj, self.locals) except Exception, e: scripterr(str(e), traceback.format_exc())
[docs]class VQPythonView(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, locals=None, parent=None): if locals == None: locals = {} self._locals = locals QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) self._textWidget = QtGui.QTextEdit(parent=self) self._botWidget = QtGui.QWidget(parent=self) self._help_button = QtGui.QPushButton('?', parent=self._botWidget) self._run_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Run', parent=self._botWidget) self._run_button.clicked.connect(self._okClicked) self._help_button.clicked.connect( self._helpClicked ) self._help_text = None hbox = HBox( None, self._help_button, self._run_button ) self._botWidget.setLayout( hbox ) vbox = VBox( self._textWidget, self._botWidget ) self.setLayout( vbox ) self.setWindowTitle('Python Interactive') def _okClicked(self): pycode = str(self._textWidget.document().toPlainText()) cobj = compile(pycode, "", "exec") sthr = ScriptThread(cobj, self._locals) sthr.start() def _helpClicked(self): withhelp = [] for lname,lval in self._locals.items(): if type(lval) in (types.ModuleType, ): continue doc = getattr(lval, '__doc__', '\nNo Documentation\n') if doc == None: doc = '\nNo Documentation\n' withhelp.append( (lname, doc) ) withhelp.sort() txt = 'Objects/Functions in the namespace:\n' for name,doc in withhelp: txt += ( '====== %s\n' % name ) txt += ( '%s\n' % doc ) self._help_text = QtGui.QTextEdit() self._help_text.setReadOnly( True ) self._help_text.setWindowTitle('Python Interactive Help') self._help_text.setText( txt )