Source code for vdb

import os
import re
import sys
import pprint
import signal
import string
import traceback

from ConfigParser import *

from cmd import *
from struct import *
from getopt import getopt
from UserDict import *
from threading import *

import vtrace
import vtrace.util as v_util
import vtrace.snapshot as vs_snap
import vtrace.notifiers as v_notif

import vdb
import vdb.stalker as v_stalker
import vdb.extensions as v_ext

import envi
import envi.cli as e_cli
import envi.bits as e_bits
import envi.memory as e_mem
import envi.config as e_config
import envi.resolver as e_resolv
import envi.memcanvas as e_canvas

import vstruct
import vstruct.primitives as vs_prims

vdb.basepath = vdb.__path__[0] + "/"

[docs]class VdbLookup(UserDict): def __init__(self, initdict={}): UserDict.__init__(self) for key,val in initdict.items(): self.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __setitem__(self, key, item): UserDict.__setitem__(self, key, item) UserDict.__setitem__(self, item, key)
[docs]class ScriptThread(Thread): def __init__(self, cobj, locals): Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.cobj = cobj self.locals = locals
[docs] def run(self): try: exec(self.cobj, self.locals) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print "Script Error: ",e
[docs]class VdbTrace: """ Used to hand thing that need a persistant reference to a trace when using vdb to manage tracers. """ def __init__(self, db): self.db = db
[docs] def attach(self, pid): # Create a new tracer for the debugger and attach. trace = self.db.newTrace() trace.attach(pid) # Take over all notifier registration
[docs] def registerNotifier(self, event, notif): self.db.registerNotifier(event, notif)
[docs] def deregisterNotifier(self, event, notif): self.db.deregisterNotifier(event, notif) #FIXME should we add modes to this?
[docs] def selectThread(self, threadid): #FIXME perhaps a thread selected LOCAL event? trace = self.db.getTrace() trace.selectThread(threadid) self.db.fireLocalNotifiers(vtrace.NOTIFY_BREAK, trace)
def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.db.getTrace(), name)
defconfig = """ [Vdb] [RegisterView] i386=eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,eip,esp,ebp,eflags,ds,es,cs,fs,gs,ss x64=rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,rip,rsp,rbp,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,r13,r14,r15 [Aliases] <f1>=stepi <f2>=go -I 1 <f5>=go """
[docs]class Vdb(e_cli.EnviMutableCli, v_notif.Notifier, v_util.TraceManager): """ A VDB object is a debugger object which may be used to embed full debugger like functionality into a python application. The Vdb object contains a CLI impelementation which extends envi.cli> """ def __init__(self, trace=None): v_notif.Notifier.__init__(self) v_util.TraceManager.__init__(self) if trace == None: trace = vtrace.getTrace() arch = trace.getMeta("Architecture") self.arch = envi.getArchModule(arch) self.difftracks = {} self.waitlib = None self.bpcmds = {} self.server = None self.runagain = False # A one-time thing for the cli self.windows_jit_event = None # We hangn on to an opcode renderer instance self.opcoderend = None # If a VdbGui instance is present it will set this. self.gui = None self.setMode("NonBlocking", True) self.manageTrace(trace) self.registerNotifier(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL, self) # FIXME if config verbose #self.registerNotifier(vtrace.NOTIFY_ALL, vtrace.VerboseNotifier()) self.vdbhome = e_config.gethomedir(".vdb") self.loadConfig() self.setupSignalLookups() # Ok... from here down we're handing everybody the crazy # on-demand-resolved trace object. trace = vdb.VdbTrace(self) e_cli.EnviMutableCli.__init__(self, trace, self.config, symobj=trace) self.prompt = "vdb > " self.banner = "Welcome To VDB!\n" self.loadDefaultRenderers(trace) self.loadExtensions(trace)
[docs] def loadConfig(self): cfgfile = None if self.vdbhome != None: if not os.path.exists(self.vdbhome): os.mkdir(self.vdbhome) cfgfile = os.path.join(self.vdbhome, "vdb.conf") self.config = e_config.EnviConfig(filename=cfgfile, defaults=defconfig)
[docs] def loadDefaultRenderers(self, trace): import envi.memcanvas.renderers as e_render import vdb.renderers as v_rend # FIXME check endianness self.canvas.addRenderer("bytes", e_render.ByteRend()) self.canvas.addRenderer("u_int_16", e_render.ShortRend()) self.canvas.addRenderer("u_int_32", e_render.LongRend()) self.canvas.addRenderer("u_int_64", e_render.QuadRend()) self.opcoderend = v_rend.OpcodeRenderer(self.trace) self.canvas.addRenderer("disasm", self.opcoderend) drend = v_rend.DerefRenderer(self.trace) self.canvas.addRenderer("Deref View", drend) srend = v_rend.SymbolRenderer(self.trace) self.canvas.addRenderer('Symbols View', srend)
[docs] def verror(self, msg, addnl=True): if addnl: msg += "\n" sys.stderr.write(msg)
[docs] def loadExtensions(self, trace): """ Load up any extensions which are relevant for the current tracer's platform/arch/etc... """ v_ext.loadExtensions(self, trace)
[docs] def getTrace(self): return self.trace
[docs] def newTrace(self): """ Generate a new trace for this vdb instance. This fixes many of the new attach/exec data munging issues because tracer re-use is *very* sketchy... """ oldtrace = self.getTrace() if oldtrace.isRunning(): oldtrace.sendBreak() if oldtrace.isAttached(): oldtrace.detach() self.trace = oldtrace.buildNewTrace() oldtrace.release() self.bpcmds = {} self.manageTrace(self.trace) return self.trace
[docs] def setupSignalLookups(self): self.siglookup = VdbLookup() self.siglookup[0] = "None" for name in dir(signal): if name[:3] == "SIG" and "_" not in name: self.siglookup[name] = getattr(signal, name)
[docs] def getSignal(self, sig): """ If given an int, return the name, for a name, return the int ;) """ return self.siglookup.get(sig,None)
[docs] def parseExpression(self, exprstr): return self.trace.parseExpression(exprstr)
[docs] def getExpressionLocals(self): r = vtrace.VtraceExpressionLocals(self.trace) r['db'] = self r['vprint'] = self.vprint return r
[docs] def reprPointer(self, address): """ Return a string representing the best known name for the given address """ if not address: return "NULL" # Do we have a symbol? sym = self.trace.getSymByAddr(address, exact=False) if sym != None: return "%s + %d" % (repr(sym),address-long(sym)) # Check if it's a thread's stack for tid,tinfo in self.trace.getThreads().items(): ctx = self.trace.getRegisterContext(tid) sp = ctx.getStackCounter() stack,size,perms,fname = self.trace.getMemoryMap(sp) if address >= stack and address < (stack+size): off = address - sp op = "+" if off < 0: op = "-" off = abs(off) return "tid:%d sp%s%s (stack)" % (tid,op,off) map = self.trace.getMemoryMap(address) if map: return map[3] return "Who knows?!?!!?"
[docs] def script(self, filename, args=[]): """ Execute a vdb script. """ text = file(filename).read() self.scriptstring(text, filename, args)
[docs] def scriptstring(self, script, filename, args=[]): """ Do the actual compile and execute for the script data contained in script which was read from filename. """ local = self.getExpressionLocals() cobj = compile(script, filename, "exec") sthr = ScriptThread(cobj, local) sthr.start()
[docs] def notify(self, event, trace): pid = trace.getPid() tid = trace.getCurrentThread() if event == vtrace.NOTIFY_ATTACH: self.vprint("Attached to : %d" % pid) self.waitlib = None self.difftracks = {} if self.windows_jit_event: trace._winJitEvent(self.windows_jit_event) self.windows_jit_event = None elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_CONTINUE: pass elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_DETACH: self.difftracks = {} self.vprint("Detached from %d" % pid) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_SIGNAL: # FIXME move all this code into a bolt on notifier! thr = trace.getCurrentThread() signo = trace.getCurrentSignal() self.vprint("Process Recieved Signal %d (0x%.8x) (Thread: %d (0x%.8x))" % (signo, signo, thr, thr)) faddr,fperm = trace.getMemoryFault() if faddr != None: accstr = e_mem.getPermName(fperm) self.vprint('Memory Fault: addr: 0x%.8x perm: %s' % (faddr, accstr)) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_BREAK: trace.setMeta('PendingBreak', False) bp = trace.getCurrentBreakpoint() if bp: self.vprint("Thread: %d Hit Break: %s" % (tid, repr(bp))) cmdstr = self.bpcmds.get(, None) if cmdstr != None: self.onecmd(cmdstr) else: self.vprint("Thread: %d NOTIFY_BREAK" % tid) if self.runagain: # One-time run-again behavior (for cli option) trace.runAgain() self.runagain = False elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_EXIT: ecode = trace.getMeta('ExitCode') self.vprint("PID %d exited: %d (0x%.8x)" % (pid,ecode,ecode)) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_LOAD_LIBRARY: self.vprint("Loading Binary: %s" % trace.getMeta("LatestLibrary",None)) if self.waitlib != None: normname = trace.getMeta('LatestLibraryNorm', None) if self.waitlib == normname: self.waitlib = None trace.runAgain(False) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_UNLOAD_LIBRARY: self.vprint("Unloading Binary: %s" % trace.getMeta("LatestLibrary",None)) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_CREATE_THREAD: self.vprint("New Thread: %d" % tid) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_EXIT_THREAD: ecode = trace.getMeta("ExitCode", 0) self.vprint("Exit Thread: %d (ecode: 0x%.8x (%d))" % (tid,ecode,ecode)) elif event == vtrace.NOTIFY_DEBUG_PRINT: s = "<unknown>" win32 = trace.getMeta("Win32Event", None) if win32: s = win32.get("DebugString", "<unknown>") self.vprint("DEBUG PRINT: %s" % s) ################################################################### # # All CLI extension commands start here #
[docs] def do_vstruct(self, line): """ List the available structure modules and optionally structure definitions from a particular module in the current vstruct. Usage: vstruct [modname] """ if len(line) == 0: self.vprint("\nVStruct Namespaces:") plist = self.trace.getStructNames() else: self.vprint("\nKnown Structures (from %s):" % line) plist = self.trace.getStructNames(namespace=line) for n in plist: self.vprint(str(n)) self.vprint("\n")
[docs] def do_dis(self, line): """ Print out the opcodes for a given address expression Usage: dis <address expression> [<size expression>] """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) size = 20 argc = len(argv) if argc == 0: addr = self.trace.getProgramCounter() else: addr = self.parseExpression(argv[0]) if argc > 1: size = self.parseExpression(argv[1]) self.vprint("Dissassembly:") self.canvas.renderMemory(addr, size, rend=self.opcoderend)
[docs] def do_var(self, line): """ Set a variable in the expression parsing context. This allows for scratchspace names (python compatable names) to be used in expressions. Usage: var <name> <addr_expression> NOTE: The address expression *must* resolve at the time you set it. """ t = self.trace if len(line): argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) == 1: return self.do_help("var") name = argv[0] expr = " ".join(argv[1:]) addr = t.parseExpression(expr) t.setVariable(name, addr) vars = t.getVariables() self.vprint("Current Variables:") if not vars: self.vprint("None.") else: vnames = vars.keys() vnames.sort() for n in vnames: val = vars.get(n) if type(val) in (int, long): self.vprint("%20s = 0x%.8x" % (n,val)) else: rstr = repr(val) if len(rstr) > 30: rstr = rstr[:30] + '...' self.vprint("%20s = %s" % (n,rstr))
[docs] def do_alloc(self, args): #""" #Allocate a chunk of memory in the target process. You may #optionally specify permissions and a suggested base address. #Usage: alloc [-p rwx] [-s <base>] <size> #""" """ Allocate a chunk of memory in the target process. It will be allocated with rwx permissions. Usage: alloc <size expr> """ if len(args) == 0: return self.do_help("alloc") t = self.trace #argv = e_cli.splitargs(args) try: size = t.parseExpression(args) base = t.allocateMemory(size) self.vprint("Allocated %d bytes at: 0x%.8x" % (size, base)) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() self.vprint("Allocation Error: %s" % e)
[docs] def do_memload(self, line): ''' Load a file into memory. (straight mapping, no parsing) Usage: memload <filename> ''' argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) != 1: return self.do_help('memload') fname = argv[0] if not os.path.isfile(fname): self.vprint('Invalid File: %s' % fname) return fbytes = file(fname, 'rb').read() memva = self.trace.allocateMemory(len(fbytes)) self.trace.writeMemory(memva, fbytes) self.vprint('Loaded At: 0x%.8x (%d bytes)' % (memva, len(fbytes)))
[docs] def do_struct(self, args): """ Break out a strcuture from memory. You may use the command "vstruct" to show the known structures in vstruct. Usage: struct <StructName> <vtrace expression> """ try: clsname, vexpr = e_cli.splitargs(args) except: return self.do_help("struct") t = self.trace addr = t.parseExpression(vexpr) s = t.getStruct(clsname, addr) self.vprint(s.tree(va=addr))
[docs] def do_signal(self, args): """ Show the current pending signal/exception code. Usage: signal """ # FIXME -i do NOT pass the signal on to the target process. t = self.trace t.requireAttached() cursig = t.getCurrentSignal() if cursig == None: self.vprint('No Pending Signals/Exceptions!') else: self.vprint("Current signal: %d (0x%.8x)" % (cursig, cursig))
[docs] def do_snapshot(self, line): """ Take a process snapshot of the current (stopped) trace and save it to the specified file. Usage: snapshot <filename> """ if len(line) == 0: return self.do_help("snapshot") alist = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(alist) != 1: return self.do_help("snapshot") t = self.trace t.requireAttached() self.vprint("Taking Snapshot...") snap = vs_snap.takeSnapshot(t) self.vprint("Saving To File") snap.saveToFile(alist[0]) self.vprint("Done") snap.release()
[docs] def do_ignore(self, args): """ Add the specified signal id (exception id for windows) to the ignored signals list for the current trace. This will make the smallest possible performance impact for that particular signal but will also not alert you that it has occured. Usage: ignore [options] [-c | <sigcode>...] -d - Remove the specified signal codes. -c - Include the *current* signal in the sigcode list -C - Clear the list of ignored signals Example: ignore -c # Ignore the currently posted signal ignore -d 0x80000001 # Remove 0x80000001 from the ignores """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(args) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, 'Ccd') except Exception, e: return self.do_help('ignore') remove = False sigs = [] for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == '-c': sig = self.trace.getCurrentSignal() if sig == None: self.vprint('No current signal to ignore!') return sigs.append(sig) elif opt == '-C': self.vprint('Clearing ignore list...') self.trace.setMeta('IgnoredSignals', []) elif opt == '-d': remove = True for arg in args: sigs.append(self.trace.parseExpression(arg)) for sig in sigs: if remove: self.vprint('Removing: 0x%.8x' % sig) self.trace.delIgnoreSignal(sig) else: self.vprint('Adding: 0x%.8x' % sig) self.trace.addIgnoreSignal(sig) ilist = self.trace.getMeta("IgnoredSignals") self.vprint("Currently Ignored Signals/Exceptions:") for x in ilist: self.vprint("0x%.8x (%d)" % (x, x))
[docs] def do_exec(self, cmd): """ Execute a program with the given command line and attach to it. Usage: exec </some/where and some args> """ t = self.newTrace() t.execute(cmd)
[docs] def do_threads(self, line): """ List the current threads in the target process or select the current thread context for the target tracer. Usage: threads [thread id] """ self.trace.requireNotRunning() if self.trace.isRunning(): self.vprint("Can't list threads while running!") return if len(line) > 0: thrid = int(line, 0) self.trace.selectThread(thrid) if self.gui != None: self.gui.setTraceWindowsActive(True) self.vprint("Current Threads:") self.vprint("[thrid] [thrinfo] [pc]") curtid = self.trace.getMeta("ThreadId") for tid,tinfo in self.trace.getThreads().items(): a = " " if tid == curtid: a = "*" sus = "" if self.trace.isThreadSuspended(tid): sus = "(suspended)" ctx = self.trace.getRegisterContext(tid) pc = ctx.getProgramCounter() self.vprint("%s%6d 0x%.8x 0x%.8x %s" % (a, tid, tinfo, pc, sus))
[docs] def do_suspend(self, line): """ Suspend a thread. Usage: suspend <-A | <tid>[ <tid>...]> """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "A") except Exception, e: return self.do_help("suspend") for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == "-A": # hehe... args = [str(tid) for tid in self.trace.getThreads().keys()] if not len(args): return self.do_help("suspend") for arg in args: tid = int(arg) self.trace.suspendThread(tid) self.vprint("Suspended Thread: %d" % tid)
[docs] def do_restart(self, line): ''' Restart the current process. Usage: restart NOTE: This only works if the process was exec'd to begin with! TODO: Plumb options for persisting bp's etc... ''' t = self.trace cmdline = t.getMeta('ExecCommand') if cmdline == None: self.vprint('This trace was not fired with exec! (cannot restart)') return if t.isRunning(): t.setMode("RunForever", False) t.sendBreak() if t.isAttached(): t.detach() t = self.newTrace() t.execute(cmdline)
[docs] def do_resume(self, line): """ Resume a thread. Usage: resume <-A | <tid>[ <tid>...]> """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "A") except Exception, e: return self.do_help("suspend") for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == "-A": # hehe... args = [str(tid) for tid in self.trace.getThreads().keys()] if not len(args): return self.do_help("resume") for arg in args: tid = int(arg) self.trace.resumeThread(tid) self.vprint("Resumed Thread: %d" % tid) #def do_inject(self, line):
[docs] def do_mode(self, args): """ Set modes in the tracers... mode Foo=True/False """ if args: mode,val = args.split("=") newmode = eval(val) self.setMode(mode, newmode) else: for key,val in self.trace.modes.items(): self.vprint("%s -> %d" % (key,val))
[docs] def do_reg(self, args): """ Show the current register values. Additionally, you may specify name=<expression> to set a register Usage: reg [regname=vtrace_expression] """ if len(args): if args.find("=") == -1: return self.do_help("reg") regname,expr = args.split("=", 1) val = self.trace.parseExpression(expr) self.trace.setRegisterByName(regname, val) self.vprint("%s = 0x%.8x" % (regname, val)) return regs = self.trace.getRegisters() rnames = regs.keys() rnames.sort() final = [] for r in rnames: # Capitol names are used for reg vals that we don't want to see # (by default) if r.lower() != r: continue val = regs.get(r) vstr = e_bits.hex(val, 4) final.append(("%12s:0x%.8x (%d)" % (r,val,val))) self.columnize(final)
[docs] def do_stepi(self, line): """ Single step the target tracer. Usage: stepi [ options ] -A <addr> - Step to <addr> -B - Step past the next branch instruction -C <count> - Step <count> instructions -R - Step to return from this function -V - Show operand values during single step (verbose!) """ t = self.trace argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "A:BC:RV") except Exception, e: return self.do_help("stepi") count = None taddr = None toret = False tobrn = False showop = False for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-A': taddr = t.parseExpression(optarg) elif opt == '-B': tobrn = True elif opt == '-C': count = t.parseExpression(optarg) elif opt == '-R': toret = True elif opt == '-V': showop = True if ( count == None and taddr == None and toret == False and tobrn == False): count = 1 oldmode = self.getMode('FastStep') self.setMode('FastStep', True) hits = 0 depth = 0 try: while True: pc = t.getProgramCounter() if pc == taddr: break op = t.parseOpcode(pc) sym = t.getSymByAddr(pc) if sym != None: self.canvas.addVaText(repr(sym), pc) self.canvas.addText(':\n') self.canvas.addText(' ' * max(depth,0)) self.canvas.addVaText('0x%.8x' % pc, pc) self.canvas.addText(': ') op.render(self.canvas) if showop: self.canvas.addText(' ; ') for oper in op.opers: try: val = oper.getOperValue(op, emu=t) self.canvas.addText('0x%.8x ' % val) except Exception, e: self.canvas.addText(str(e)) self.canvas.addText('\n') if op.iflags & envi.IF_CALL: depth += 1 elif op.iflags & envi.IF_RET: depth -= 1 tid = t.getCurrentThread() t.stepi() # If we get an event from a different thread, get out! if t.getCurrentThread() != tid: break # Break out if we have returned from the current function if toret and depth < 0: break if depth < 0: depth = 0 hits += 1 # If we have passed a conditional branch... if tobrn == True and hits != 0: if op.iflags & envi.IF_CALL: break if op.iflags & envi.IF_RET: break getout = False for bva, bflags in op.getBranches(): if bflags & envi.BR_COND: getout = True break if getout: break if count != None and hits >= count: break if t.getCurrentSignal() != None: break if t.getMeta('PendingSignal'): break finally: self.setMode('FastStep', oldmode) # We ate all the events, tell things we have updated... t.fireNotifiers(vtrace.NOTIFY_STEP)
[docs] def do_go(self, line): """ Continue the target tracer. -I go icount linear instructions forward (step over style) -U go *out* of fcount frames (step out style) <until addr> go until explicit address Usage: go [-U <fcount> | -I <icount> | <until addr expression>] """ until = None icount = None fcount = None argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "U:I:") except: return self.do_help("go") for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == "-U": if len(optarg) == 0: return self.do_help("go") fcount = self.trace.parseExpression(optarg) elif opt == "-I": if len(optarg) == 0: return self.do_help("go") icount = self.trace.parseExpression(optarg) if icount != None: addr = self.trace.getProgramCounter() for i in xrange(icount): addr += len(self.arch.makeOpcode(self.trace.readMemory(addr, 16))) until = addr elif fcount != None: until = self.trace.getStackTrace()[fcount][0] elif len(args): until = self.trace.parseExpression(" ".join(args)) if not until: self.vprint("Running Tracer (use 'break' to stop it)")
[docs] def do_gui(self, line): ''' Attempt to spawn the VDB gui. Assuming GTK etc are all installed. ''' if self.gui != None: self.vprint('Gui already running!') return import vdb.gui vdb.gui.main(self)
[docs] def do_waitlib(self, line): ''' Run the target process until the specified library (by normalized name such as 'kernel32' or 'libc') is loaded. Disable waiting with -D. Usage: waitlib [ -D | <libname> ] ''' t = self.trace pid = t.getPid() t.requireAttached() argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "D") except: return self.do_help("waitlib") for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-D': self.vprint('Disabling Wait On: %s' % self.waitlib) self.waitlib = None return if len(args) != 1: return self.do_help('waitlib') libname = args[0] if t.getMeta('LibraryBases').get(libname) != None: self.vprint('Library Already Loaded: %s' % libname) return self.vprint('Setting Waitlib: %s' % libname) self.waitlib = libname
[docs] def do_server(self, port): """ Start a vtrace server on the local box. If the server is already running, show which processes are being remotely debugged. Usage: server """ if port: vtrace.port = int(port) if self.server == None: self.vprint('Starting vtrace server!') self.server = vtrace.startVtraceServer() return self.vprint('Displaying remotely debugged traces:') shared = [ t for (n,t) in self.server.getSharedObjects() if isinstance(t, vtrace.Trace) ] if not shared: self.vprint('None.') return for t in shared: if not t.isAttached(): continue runmsg = 'stopped' if t.isRunning(): runmsg = 'running' pid = t.getPid() name = t.getMeta('ExeName', 'Unknown') self.vprint('%6d %.8s - %s' % (pid, runmsg, name))
[docs] def do_syms(self, line): """ List symbols and by file. Usage: syms [-s <pattern>] [filename] With no arguments, syms will self.vprint(the possible libraries with symbol resolvers. Specify a library to see all the symbols for it. """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "s:") except: return self.do_help("syms") pattern = None for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == "-s": pattern = optarg.lower() libs = self.trace.getNormalizedLibNames() libs.sort() if len(args) == 0: self.vprint("Current Library Symbol Resolvers:") if pattern == None: for libname in libs: self.vprint(" %s" % libname) else: for libname in libs: for sym in self.trace.getSymsForFile(libname): r = repr(sym) if pattern != None: if r.lower().find(pattern) == -1: continue self.vprint("0x%.8x %s" % (sym.value, r)) else: libname = args[0] if libname not in libs: self.vprint("Unknown libname: %s" % libname) return if pattern: self.vprint("Matching Symbols From %s:" % libname) else: self.vprint("Symbols From %s:" % libname) for sym in self.trace.getSymsForFile(libname): r = repr(sym) if pattern != None: if r.lower().find(pattern) == -1: continue self.vprint("0x%.8x %s" % (sym.value, r))
[docs] def do_call(self, string): """ Allows a C-like syntax for calling functions inside the target process (from his context). Example: call printf("yermom %d", 10) """ self.trace.requireAttached() ind = string.index("(") if ind == -1: raise Exception('ERROR - call wants c-style syntax: ie call printf("yermom")') funcaddr = self.trace.parseExpression(string[:ind]) try: args = eval(string[ind:]) except: raise Exception('ERROR - call wants c-style syntax: ie call printf("yermom")') self.vprint("calling %s -> 0x%.8x" % (string[:ind], funcaddr)), args)
[docs] def do_bestname(self, args): """ Return the "best name" string for an address. Usage: bestname <vtrace expression> """ if len(args) == 0: return self.do_help("bestname") addr = self.trace.parseExpression(args) self.vprint(self.reprPointer(addr))
[docs] def do_EOF(self, string): self.vprint("No.. this is NOT a python interpreter... use quit ;)")
[docs] def do_quit(self,args): """ Quit VDB use "quit force" to hard-force a quit regardless of everything. """ if args == 'force': print 'Quitting by force!' os._exit(0) try: if self.trace.isRunning(): self.trace.setMode("RunForever", False) self.trace.sendBreak() if self.trace.isAttached(): self.vprint("Detaching...") self.trace.detach() self.vprint("Exiting...") e_cli.EnviMutableCli.do_quit(self, args) self.trace.release() except Exception, e: self.vprint('Exception during quit (may need: quite force): %s' % e)
[docs] def do_detach(self, args): """ Detach from the current tracer """ self.trace.requireAttached() if self.trace.isRunning(): self.trace.setMode("RunForever", False) self.trace.sendBreak() self.trace.detach()
[docs] def do_attach(self, args): """ Attach to a process by PID or by process name. In the event of more than one process by a given name, attach to the last (most recently created) one in the list. Usage: attach [<pid>,<name>] NOTE: This is *not* a regular expression. The given string must be found as a substring of the process name... """ pid = None try: pid = int(args) except ValueError, e: for mypid, pname in if pname.find(args) != -1: pid = mypid if pid == None: return self.do_help('attach') self.vprint("Attaching to %d" % pid) self.newTrace().attach(pid)
[docs] def do_autocont(self, line): """ Manipulate the auto-continue behavior for the trace. This will cause particular event types to automagically continue execution. Usage: autocont [event name] """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) acnames = ["attach", "signal", "break", "loadlib", "unloadlib", "createthread", "exitthread", "dbgprint"] acvals = [ vtrace.NOTIFY_ATTACH, vtrace.NOTIFY_SIGNAL, vtrace.NOTIFY_BREAK, vtrace.NOTIFY_LOAD_LIBRARY, vtrace.NOTIFY_UNLOAD_LIBRARY, vtrace.NOTIFY_CREATE_THREAD, vtrace.NOTIFY_EXIT_THREAD, vtrace.NOTIFY_DEBUG_PRINT] c = self.trace.getAutoContinueList() if len(line): try: index = acnames.index(line) except ValueError, e: self.vprint("Unknown event name: %s" % line) return sig = acvals[index] if sig in c: self.trace.disableAutoContinue(sig) c.remove(sig) else: self.trace.enableAutoContinue(sig) c.append(sig) self.vprint("Auto Continue Status:") for i in range(len(acnames)): name = acnames[i] sig = acvals[i] acont = False if sig in c: acont = True self.vprint("%s %s" % (name.rjust(14),repr(acont)))
[docs] def emptyline(self): self.do_help("")
[docs] def do_bt(self, line): """ Show a stack backtrace for the currently selected thread. Usage: bt """ self.vprint(" [ PC ] [ Frame ] [ Location ]") idx = 0 for pc,frame in self.trace.getStackTrace(): self.vprint("[%3d] 0x%.8x 0x%.8x %s" % (idx,pc,frame,self.reprPointer(pc))) idx += 1
[docs] def do_lm(self, args): """ Show the loaded libraries and their base addresses. Usage: lm [libname] """ bases = self.trace.getMeta("LibraryBases") paths = self.trace.getMeta("LibraryPaths") if len(args): base = bases.get(args) path = paths.get(base, "unknown") if base == None: self.vprint("Library %s is not found!" % args) else: self.vprint("0x%.8x - %s %s" % (base, args, path)) else: self.vprint("Loaded Libraries:") names = self.trace.getNormalizedLibNames() names.sort() names = e_cli.columnstr(names) for libname in names: base = bases.get(libname.strip(), -1) path = paths.get(base, "unknown") self.vprint("0x%.8x - %.30s %s" % (base, libname, path))
[docs] def do_guid(self, line): """ Parse and display a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) from memory (eventually, use GUID db to lookup the name/meaning of the GUID). Usage: guid <addr_exp> """ self.trace.requireNotRunning() if not line: return self.do_help("guid") addr = self.parseExpression(line) guid = vs_prims.GUID() bytes = self.trace.readMemory(addr, len(guid)) guid.vsSetValue(bytes) self.vprint("GUID 0x%.8x %s" % (addr, repr(guid)))
[docs] def do_bpfile(self, line): """ Set the python code for a breakpoint from the contents of a file. Usage: bpfile <bpid> <filename> """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) != 2: return self.do_help("bpfile") bpid = int(argv[0]) pycode = file(argv[1], "rU").read() self.trace.setBreakpointCode(bpid, pycode)
[docs] def do_bpedit(self, line): """ Manipulcate the python code that will be run for a given breakpoint by ID. (Also the way to view the code). Usage: bpedit <id> ["optionally new code"] NOTE: Your code must be surrounded by "s and may not contain any "s """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) == 0: return self.do_help("bpedit") bpid = int(argv[0]) if len(argv) == 2: self.trace.setBreakpointCode(bpid, argv[1]) pystr = self.trace.getBreakpointCode(bpid) self.vprint("[%d] Breakpoint code: %s" % (bpid,pystr))
[docs] def do_bp(self, line): """ Show, add, and enable/disable breakpoints USAGE: bp [-d <addr>] [-a <addr>] [-o <addr>] [[-c pycode] <address> [vdb cmds]] -C - Clear All Breakpoints -c "py code" - Set the breakpoint code to the given python string -d <id> - Disable Breakpoint -e <id> - Enable Breakpoint -r <id> - Remove Breakpoint -o <addr> - Create a OneTimeBreak -L <libname> - Add bp's to all functions in <libname> -F <filename> - Load bpcode from file -W perms:size - Set a hardware Watchpoint with perms/size (ie -W rw:4) -f - Make added breakpoints from this command into "fastbreaks" -S <libname>:<regex> - Add bp's to all matching funcs in <libname> <address>... - Create Breakpoint [vdb cmds].. - (optional) vdb cli comand to run on BP hit (seperate multiple commands with ;; ) NOTE: -c adds python code to the breakpoint. The python code will be run with the following objects mapped into it's namespace automagically: vtrace - the vtrace package trace - the tracer bp - the breakpoint object """ self.trace.requireNotRunning() argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) try: opts,args = getopt(argv, "fF:e:d:o:r:L:Cc:S:W:") except Exception, e: return self.do_help('bp') pycode = None wpargs = None fastbreak = False libsearch = None for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == "-e": self.trace.setBreakpointEnabled(eval(optarg), True) elif opt == "-c": pycode = optarg test = compile(pycode, "test","exec") elif opt == "-F": pycode = file(optarg, "rU").read() elif opt == '-f': fastbreak = True elif opt == "-r": self.bpcmds.pop(eval(optarg), None) self.trace.removeBreakpoint(eval(optarg)) elif opt == "-C": for bp in self.trace.getBreakpoints(): self.bpcmds.pop(, None) self.trace.removeBreakpoint( elif opt == "-d": self.trace.setBreakpointEnabled(eval(optarg), False) elif opt == "-o": self.trace.addBreakpoint(vtrace.OneTimeBreak(None, expression=optarg)) elif opt == "-L": for sym in self.trace.getSymsForFile(optarg): if not isinstance(sym, e_resolv.FunctionSymbol): continue try: bp = vtrace.Breakpoint(None, expression=str(sym)) bp.setBreakpointCode(pycode) self.trace.addBreakpoint(bp) self.vprint("Added: %s" % str(sym)) except Exception, msg: self.vprint("WARNING: %s" % str(msg)) elif opt == "-W": wpargs = optarg.split(":") elif opt == '-S': libname, regex = optarg.split(':') try: for sym in self.trace.searchSymbols(regex, libname=libname): symstr = str(sym) symval = long(sym) if self.trace.getBreakpointByAddr(symval) != None: self.vprint('Duplicate (0x%.8x) %s' % (symval, symstr)) continue bp = vtrace.Breakpoint(None, expression=symstr) self.trace.addBreakpoint(bp) self.vprint('Added: %s' % symstr) except re.error, e: self.vprint('Invalid Regular Expression: %s' % regex) return cmdstr = None if len(args) > 1: cmdstr = ' '.join(args[1:]) if len(args) >= 1: arg = args[0] if wpargs != None: size = int(wpargs[1]) bp = vtrace.Watchpoint(None, expression=arg, size=size, perms=wpargs[0]) else: bp = vtrace.Breakpoint(None, expression=arg) bp.setBreakpointCode(pycode) bp.fastbreak = fastbreak bpid = self.trace.addBreakpoint(bp) if cmdstr: self.bpcmds[bpid] = cmdstr.replace(';;', '&&') self.vprint(" [ Breakpoints ]") for bp in self.trace.getBreakpoints(): cmdstr = self.bpcmds.get(, '') self.vprint("%s enabled: %s fast: %s %s" % (bp, bp.isEnabled(), bp.fastbreak, cmdstr))
[docs] def do_fds(self, args): """ Show all the open Handles/FileDescriptors for the target process. The "typecode" shown in []'s is the vtrace typecode for that kind of fd/handle. Usage: fds """ self.trace.requireAttached() for id,fdtype,fname in self.trace.getFds(): self.vprint("0x%.8x [%d] %s" % (id,fdtype,fname))
[docs] def do_ps(self, args): """ Show the current process list. Usage: ps """ self.vprint("[Pid]\t[ Name ]") for ps in self.vprint("%s\t%s" % (ps[0],ps[1]))
[docs] def do_break(self, args): """ Send the break signal to the target tracer to stop it's execution. Usage: break """ if self.trace.getMeta('PendingBreak'): self.vprint('Break already sent...') return self.trace.setMeta('PendingBreak', True) self.trace.setMode("RunForever", False) self.trace.sendBreak()
[docs] def do_meta(self, line): """ Show the metadata for the current trace. Usage: meta """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if argv: for name in argv: mval = self.trace.getMeta(name) self.vprint('%s: %r' % (name, mval)) else: meta = self.trace.metadata x = pprint.pformat(meta) self.vprint(x)
[docs] def do_memdiff(self, line): """ Save and compare snapshots of memory to enumerate changes. Usage: memdiff [options] -C Clear all current memory diff snapshots. -A <va:size> Add the given virtual address to the list. -M <va> Add the entire memory map which contains VA to the list. -D Compare currently tracked memory with the target process and show any differences. """ argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) opts,args = getopt(argv, "A:CDM:") if len(opts) == 0: return self.do_help('memdiff') self.trace.requireNotRunning() for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == "-A": if optarg.find(':') == -1: return self.do_help('memdiff') vastr,sizestr = optarg.split(':') va = self.parseExpression(vastr) size = self.parseExpression(sizestr) bytes = self.trace.readMemory(va,size) self.difftracks[va] = bytes elif opt == '-C': self.difftracks = {} elif opt == '-D': difs = self._getDiffs() if len(difs) == 0: self.vprint('No Differences!') else: for va,thenbytes,nowbytes in difs: self.vprint('0x%.8x: %s %s' % (va, thenbytes.encode('hex'), nowbytes.encode('hex'))) elif opt == '-M': va = self.parseExpression(optarg) map = self.trace.getMemoryMap(va) if map == None: self.vprint('No Memory Map At: 0x%.8x' % va) return mva,msize,mperm,mfile = map bytes = self.trace.readMemory(mva, msize) self.difftracks[mva] = bytes
def _getDiffs(self): ret = [] for va, bytes in self.difftracks.items(): nowbytes = self.trace.readMemory(va, len(bytes)) i = 0 while i < len(bytes): thendiff = "" nowdiff = "" iva = va+i while (i < len(bytes) and bytes[i] != nowbytes[i]): thendiff += bytes[i] nowdiff += nowbytes[i] i += 1 if thendiff: ret.append((iva, thendiff, nowdiff)) continue i += 1 return ret
[docs] def do_dope(self, line): ''' Cli interface to the "stack doping" api inside recon. *BETA* (Basically, set all un-initialized stack memory to V's to tease out uninitialized stack bugs) Usage: dope [ options ] -E Enable automagic thread stack doping on all continue events -D Disable automagic thread stack doping on all continue events -A Dope all current thread stacks ''' import vdb.recon.dopestack as vr_dopestack argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) == 0: return self.do_help('dope') opts,args = getopt(argv, 'ADE') if len(opts) == 0: return self.do_help('dope') for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-A': self.vprint('Doping all thread stacks...') vr_dopestack.dopeAllThreadStacks(self.trace) self.vprint('...complete!') elif opt == '-D': self.vprint('Disabling thread doping...') vr_dopestack.disableEventDoping(self.trace) self.vprint('...complete!') elif opt == '-E': self.vprint('Enabling thread doping on CONTINUE events...') vr_dopestack.enableEventDoping(self.trace) self.vprint('...complete!')
[docs] def do_recon(self, line): ''' Cli front end to the vdb recon subsystem which allows runtime analysis of known API calls. Usage: recon [options] -A <sym_expr>:<recon_fmt> - Add a recon breakpoint with the given format -C - Clear the current list of recon breakpoint hits. -H - Print the current list of recon breakpoint hits. -Q - Toggle "quiet" mode which prints nothing on bp hits. -S <sym_expr>:<argidx> - Add a sniper break for arg index NOTE: A "recon format" is a special format sequence which tells the recon subsystem how to present the argument data for a given breakpoint hit. Recon Format: C - A character I - A decimal integer P - A pointer (display symbol if possible) S - An ascii string (up to 260 chars) U - A unicode string (up to 260 chars) X - A hex number ''' import vdb.recon as v_recon import vdb.recon.sniper as v_sniper argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) == 0: return self.do_help('recon') if self.trace.getMeta('Architecture') != 'i386': self.vprint('FIXME: recon only works on i386 right now...') return opts,args = getopt(argv, 'A:CHQS:') for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-A': symname, reconfmt = optarg.split(':', 1) v_recon.addReconBreak(self.trace, symname, reconfmt) elif opt == '-C': v_recon.clearReconHits(self.trace) elif opt == '-H': self.vprint('Recon Hits:') hits = v_recon.getReconHits(self.trace) for hit in hits: thrid, savedeip, symname, args, argrep = hit argstr = '(%s)' % ', '.join(argrep) self.vprint('[%6d] 0x%.8x %s%s' % (thrid, savedeip, symname, argstr)) self.vprint('%d total hits' % len(hits)) elif opt == '-Q': newval = not self.trace.getMeta('recon_quiet', False) self.trace.setMeta('recon_quiet', newval) self.vprint('Recon Quiet: %s' % newval) elif opt == '-S': symname, idxstr = optarg.split(':') argidx = self.trace.parseExpression(idxstr) v_sniper.snipeDynArg(self.trace, symname, argidx)
[docs] def do_stalker(self, line): ''' Cli front end to the VDB code coverage subsystem. FIXME MORE DOCS! Usage: stalker [options] -C - Cleanup stalker breaks and hit info -c - Clear the current hits (so you can make more ;) -E <addr_expr> - Add the specified entry point for tracking -H - Show the current hits -L <lib>:<regex> - Add stalker breaks to all matching library symbols -R - Reset all breakpoints to enabled and clear hit info ''' argv = e_cli.splitargs(line) if len(argv) == 0: return self.do_help('stalker') try: opts,args = getopt(argv, 'cCE:HIL:R') except Exception ,e: return self.do_help('stalker') trace = self.trace for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-c': v_stalker.clearStalkerHits(trace) self.vprint('Clearing Stalker Hits...') elif opt == '-C': v_stalker.clearStalkerBreaks(trace) v_stalker.clearStalkerHits(trace) self.vprint('Cleaning up stalker breaks and hits') elif opt == '-E': addr = trace.parseExpression(optarg) v_stalker.addStalkerEntry(trace, addr) self.vprint('Added 0x%.8x' % addr) elif opt == '-H': self.vprint('Current Stalker Hits:') for hitva in v_stalker.getStalkerHits(trace): self.vprint('0x%.8x' % hitva) elif opt == '-L': libname, regex = optarg.split(':', 1) for sym in trace.searchSymbols(regex, libname=libname): v_stalker.addStalkerEntry(trace, long(sym)) self.vprint('Stalking %s' % str(sym)) elif opt == '-R': self.vprint('Resetting all breaks and hit info') v_stalker.clearStalkerHits(trace) v_stalker.resetStalkerBreaks(trace)
[docs] def do_status(self, line): ''' Print out the status of the debugger / trace... ''' t = self.getTrace() if not t.isAttached(): self.vprint('Trace Not Attached...') running = t.isRunning() runmsg = 'stopped' if running: runmsg = 'running' pid = t.getPid() self.vprint('Attached to pid: %d (%s)' % (pid, runmsg))
[docs] def FIXME_do_remote(self, line): """ Act as a remote debugging client to the server running on the specified host/ip. Usage: remote <host> """ vtrace.remote = line # FIXME how do we re-init the debugger?