Source code for cobra.dcode


Cobra's distributed code module capable of allowing
serialization of code from one system to another.

Particularly useful for clustering and workunit stuff.

import os
import sys
import imp
import cobra

[docs]class DcodeFinder(object): """ This is the module finder which is exposed by a dcode server to allow clients to attempt to find modules. """
[docs] def find_module(self, fullname, uri, path=None): # If there are nested module names, they are # accounted for in path, so grab just the end fullname = fullname.split(".")[-1] fobj, filename, typeinfo = imp.find_module(fullname, path) if os.path.isdir(filename): filename = os.path.join(filename, "") if not os.path.exists(filename): return None path = "%s|%s" % (uri,os.path.dirname(filename)) fbytes = file(filename, "rU").read() return DcodeLoader(fbytes, filename, path)
[docs]class DcodeLoader(object): """ This object gets pickled by the DcodeFinder and returned to the client who calls load_module. """ def __init__(self, fbytes, filename, path): object.__init__(self) self.fbytes = fbytes self.filename = filename self.path = path
[docs] def get_source(self, name): return self.fbytes
[docs] def load_module(self, fullname): mod = sys.modules.get(fullname) if mod == None: mod = imp.new_module(fullname) sys.modules[fullname] = mod mod.__file__ = self.filename mod.__loader__ = self if self.path != None: mod.__path__ = [self.path] exec self.fbytes in mod.__dict__ return mod
[docs]class DcodeImporter(object): """ This object goes into the client side import path_hooks to allow cobra:// uri's to be added to the import path. """ def __init__(self, uri, retrymax=3, timeout=10): object.__init__(self) if not cobra.isCobraUri(uri): raise ImportError path = None if uri.find("|") != -1: uri,path = uri.split("|") path = [path,] self.uri = uri self.path = path try: self.cobra = cobra.CobraProxy(uri, retrymax=retrymax, timeout=timeout) except Exception, e: raise ImportError
[docs] def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): if path == None: path = self.path return self.cobra.find_module(fullname, self.uri, path)
[docs]def enableDcodeClient(): """ Once having called this, a client will be able to add cobra URIs to sys.path (one will be added automatically for the optional server parameter) and code will be imported via the distributed method. """ if DcodeImporter not in sys.path_hooks: sys.path_hooks.append(DcodeImporter)
[docs]def addDcodeServer(server, port=None, override=False, ssl=False): scheme = "cobra" if ssl: scheme = "cobrassl" if port == None: port = cobra.COBRA_PORT uri = "%s://%s:%d/DcodeServer" % (scheme, server, port) if uri not in sys.path: if override: sys.path.insert(0, uri) else: sys.path.append(uri)
[docs]def enableDcodeServer(): cobra.shareObject(DcodeFinder(), "DcodeServer")